Detailed project statistics

The project statistics feature calculates detailed statistics for the entire project and exports the results to a separate file. The exported statistical report will help us solve performance problems you may be experiencing. Project statistics are calculated in both the main and used projects.

The exported file contains the names of the main project, used projects, and used elements. If they are confidential, you should select Export Detailed Statistics (Confidential) to keep their names hidden.

To export detailed statistics

  1. In the main menu, select Tools Project Statistics.
  2. In the Project Statistics dialog, click the Export Detailed Statistics button and choose one of the following:
  3. In the Export Detailed Statistics Options dialog, select additional types of data to be included in the report and click OK.
  4. When the statistics file is generated, click Close

The generated detailed project statistics file includes the following quantitative data:



Project/Environment options

Hardware & system

Teamwork Cloud projects
