Released on: June 28, 2016



Usability improvements
  • Right clicking on one or more elements now offers a new menu option to display or hide IRIs. (Note that this is a temporary work-around for a more-general feature for determining which tagged values to show. Currently, all tagged values except IRIs will show.)
  • A project option now enables specification of a preferred annotation property for comments and annotations missing an annotationProperty tagged value, including those used for the documentation panel.
  • Setting a preferred annotation property automatically makes comments and annotations that use it appear in the documentation panel.
OWL import improvements
  • Support for property chains.
  • Support for equivalent classes.
  • Support for equivalent properties.
OWL export improvements
  • Exporting an existential constraint with min cardinality greater than 1 is now optimized to no longer create an OWL someValuesFrom value constraint.
  • When Always prompt for a file destination when exporting OWL is set, exporting a concept model to OWL now remembers the file export path for subsequent exports.
  • When Always prompt for a file destination when exporting OWL is unset, exporting a concept model to OWL uses any previous file export paths for subsequent exports.
Natural Language Glossary

Setting a preferred annotation property automatically makes comments and annotations that use it appear as documentation. 

Bug fixes 
  • The Create Concept Model menu command now creates a Concept Model under the selected package.

  • No longer prevents the same property from being dragged and dropped twice into one subproperty chain.
  • OWL export no longer fails when a class name contains leading or trailing whitespace.
  • Ontology IRI terminating fragment separator, if present, is no longer ignored when importing an ontology.
  • The Natural Language Glossary now consistently lists the allowed values of an enumeration.
  • No longer displays a «Subproperty Chain» or «Equivalent Property» stereotype on an active diagram after creation in the specification window.
  • Documentation attached to annotation property is no longer ignored when exporting a concept model to OWL.