NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

The Cameo Requirement Modeler Plugin implements the requirements part of the OMG SysML standard that is widely used in the system engineering. All concepts and modeling approaches that are used in requirement modeling with the plugin are from the requirement part of the SysML standard which can be found at The SysML requirement part provides clear essential means for the model-based requirements management independently from the system engineering domain, so it could be easily adopted for all other domains as software, business, and enterprise.

The article Requirements Writing in SysML Guide presents one of a possible requirements modeling process which is adopted by No Magic, Inc. company internally for the development of all the products.

To start working with the Cameo Requirement Modeler Plugin it must be installed in the MagicDraw tool. How to install plugin to a modeling tool >>

If you use the Cameo Systems Modeler or Cameo Enterprise Architecture you can start using requirement features at once.

How to start:


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