NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

You can simulate Teamwork Cloud projects on the server by using Jupyter Notebook. This chapter explains how to set up Jupyter Notebook for server-side simulation and lists all available commands with examples.


Before starting the simulation, make sure you have prepared your projects for server-side simulation.

Setting up Jupyter Notebook

To set up Jupyter Notebook

  • In Jupyter Notebook, run the following command to install a Python package from the <install_root>\plugins\com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation\ file:

    %pip install

Use the following requests to simulate Teamwork Cloud projects on the server:

Create client/session and authenticate

client = SimulationWebClient('http(s)://<server_host>:<server_port>', '<TWC_user_name>', '<TWC_user_password>', False)

This request starts a work session and provides authentication to Teamwork Cloud.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription
server_hostpathrequiredThe Teamwork Cloud server host name.
server_portpathrequiredThe Teamwork Cloud server port.

The Teamwork Cloud user name. If you do not specify the user name in the request, an input field will be provided to specify it later.

TWC_user_passwordpathoptionalThe Teamwork Cloud password. If you do not specify the password in the request, an input field will be provided to specify it later.

For instructions on how to run server-side simulation using SSL, refer to Running server-side simulation with SSL

Get the list of Teamwork Cloud projects


This request provides the list of Teamwork Cloud projects accessible to you depending on your permissions. Only projects that you can read (the Read Resources permission) are returned.

Request and response examples

[{'id': '1f9fd988-620b-4b3c-8414-7ab96dc53a48',
  'name': 'SpacecraftMassRollup',
  'description': ''},
 {'id': 'c125b91e-7d31-4015-b659-6fd98059b8c7',
  'name': 'BouncingBall',
  'description': 'This project demonstrates the execution of the BouncingBall, including fmu.'},
 {'id': '485dfc82-7b08-43cd-86b1-953b3725e5b1',
  'name': 'CarBrakingAnalysis',
  'description': 'This project calculates the stopping distance based on car speed and mass.'}]

Run simulation<project>, version=<version>, branch=<branch>, element=<element>, config=<config>, started_from=<starting location>, commit_results=<True/False>, verification=<All/None/Fail>, data=json.dumps(<param> ), timeout=<timeout duration>, sync=<True/False>)

This request initiates the execution of the specified Simulation Configuration in a particular project. It connects to Teamwork Cloud, finds the element to execute, and initiates the execution if the element exists. After the execution is complete, the request constructs and returns a unique ID (per application) for the given execution.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescriptionOptions
projectpathrequiredThe Teamwork Cloud project name or ID.NA
versionpathoptionalThe Teamwork Cloud project version.NA
branchpathoptionalThe project branch name or ID. If the branch is omitted, the trunk is used instead.NA
elementpathoptionalThe qualified name or server ID of the element to be executed.NA
configpathoptionalThe Simulation Configuration name or server ID.NA
started_frompathoptionalAllows specifying the starting location of the simulation. The value of the started_from parameter is provided in the status endpoint response.NA
commit_results pathoptional

Commits a new project version with the simulation results. Available values are True or False (default).


Returns the selected verification results. Available values are:

    • All - all verification results are returned.
    • None - no verification results are returned.
    • Fail (default) - verification results with the fail status are returned.
datapathoptionalA set of output parameters, which will be obtained after the simulation is complete.NA



Allows specifying the timeout duration in minutes. If the timeout parameter is not provided, the sim.timeout.min property will be taken from the instead.




Initiates a synchronous API call. If the sync is set to 'True', the call will return when it is completed. Available values are True or False (default).

simconfig bodyoptionalThe set of simulation configuration properties along with their corresponding values. The simulation configuration options you specify will take precedence over the initial configuration option from a model.
  • "AUTO_START": true,
  • "AUTO_TERMINATE": true,
  • "CLOCK_RATIO": 1,
  • "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE": "JavaScript Rhino",
  • "ENDTIME": 0,
  • "ENGINES_PRIORITY": "[on] fUML Engine\n[on] Interaction Engine\n[on] SCXML Engine",
  • "NUMBER_OF_RUNS": 0,
  • "RECORD_TIMESTAMP": false,
  • "RESULT_LOCATION": "Results",
  • "START_TIME": 0,
  • "STEP_DELAY": 0,
  • "STEP_SIZE": 0,
  • "TIME_VALUE": "Model-based Clock Test::Clock::time",
  • "TIME_VARIABLE_NAME": "simtime",

Request and response examples
 # SpaceCraftMassRollup sample

parameters = {
}'SpacecraftMassRollup_SimWeb', config='spacecraft mass analysis', commit_results=False, data=json.dumps(parameters))
Request example with simulation options specified in a request body
from pyST import simconfig   // imports simulation configuration class that allows using autocompletion to specify simulation options

simOptions = {
        simconfig.AUTO_START: True,
        simconfig.DURATION_SIMULATION_MODE: "MIN",
        simconfig.ENDTIME: 50,
        simconfig.TERMINATE_NESTED_BEHAVIORS: False
}'OntologicalBehaviorModeling', config='Ontological Configurable', data=json.dumps(simOptions))

To enable the autocompletion option for specifying the simulation in Jupyter, use from pyST import simconfig

Perform a time step

client.step(<simulation_id>, sync=<True/False>)

This request performs a single time step of the specified simulation. To run the simulation by step, it should be run with the
 AUTO_START option of the simconfig parameter set to false.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription

The ID of a specific simulation.

If the simulation_id is not specified, the pyST client will use the simulation_id of the last simulation run.


Initiates a synchronous API call. If the sync is set to 'True', the call will return when it is completed. Available values are True or False (default).

Start simulation


This request starts the execution of the specified simulation. 
If the initialization phase is still in progress, the start  endpoint is memorized and sent when the initialization phase is completed.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription

The ID of a specific simulation.

If the simulation_id is not specified, the pyST client will use the simulation_id of the last simulation run.

Start simulation and get results

client.simulate(<project>, version=<version>, branch=<branch>, element=<element>, config=<config>, commit_results=<True/False>, verification=<All/None/Fail>, data=json.dumps(<param>))

This request starts simulation and returns its results.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescriptionOptions
projectpathrequiredThe Teamwork Cloud project name or ID.NA
versionpathoptionalThe Teamwork Cloud project version.NA
branchpathoptionalThe project branch name or ID. If the branch is omitted, the trunk is used instead.NA
elementpathoptionalThe qualified name or server ID of the element to be executed.NA
configpathoptionalThe Simulation Configuration name or server ID.NA
commit_results pathoptional

A new project version is committed with the simulation results. Available values are True or False (default).


Returns the selected verification results. Available values are:

    • All - all verification results are returned.
    • None - no verification results are returned.
    • Fail - verification results with the fail status are returned including the main status and the status of requirements and constraints.

If the verification value is not specified, only the verification results with the fail status are returned when the get_results endpoint is called.

datapathoptionalA set of output parameters, which will be obtained after the simulation is complete.NA
simconfig bodyoptionalThe set of simulation configuration properties along with their corresponding values. The simulation configuration options you specify will take precedence over the initial configuration option from a model.
  • "AUTO_START": true,
  • "AUTO_TERMINATE": true,
  • "CLOCK_RATIO": 1,
  • "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE": "JavaScript Rhino",
  • "ENDTIME": 0,
  • "ENGINES_PRIORITY": "[on] fUML Engine\n[on] Interaction Engine\n[on] SCXML Engine",
  • "NUMBER_OF_RUNS": 0,
  • "RECORD_TIMESTAMP": false,
  • "RESULT_LOCATION": "Results",
  • "START_TIME": 0,
  • "STEP_DELAY": 0,
  • "STEP_SIZE": 0,
  • "TIME_VALUE": "Model-based Clock Test::Clock::time",
  • "TIME_VARIABLE_NAME": "simtime",

Request and response examples
 # SpaceCraftMassRollup sample

parameters = {
client.simulate('SpacecraftMassRollup_SimWeb', config='spacecraft mass analysis', commit_results=False, data=json.dumps(parameters))
Request example with simulation options specified in a request body
from pyST import simconfig   // imports simulation configuration class that allows using autocompletion to specify simulation options

simOptions = {
        option.AUTO_START: true,
        option.ENDTIME: 50,
        option.TERMINATE_NESTED_BEHAVIORS: false
}'OntologicalBehaviorModeling', config='Ontological Configurable', data=json.dumps(simOptions))

To enable the autocompletion option for specifying the simulation in Jupyter, use from pyST import simconfig

Get simulation status


This request gets the status of a specific simulation. If the model has a UI mockup, Time Series Chart, Timeline Chart, or HTML Table, you can use the URL provided in the 'ui' or indexUI' key to open the specified UI.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription

The ID of a specific simulation.

If the simulation_id is not specified, the pyST client will use the simulation_id of the last simulation run.

Request and response examples
{'state': 'RUNNING',
 'simulationId': '77d0c496-c1e2-42cd-8ba4-04e4c7f359d3',
 'simulationTime': '0 ms',
 'indexUI': '',
 'project': 'CoffeeMachine',
 'config': 'Coffee Machine',
 'elapsedTime': 0,
 'podName': 'simulation-deployment-6989d5dfc9-r6llk',
 'ui': ['',

{'state': 'COMPLETED',
 'simulationId': 'ce8c8215-0515-43fd-9d34-92d1d7a95d87',
 'simulationTime': '3000 ms',
 'project': 'SpacecraftMassRollup',
 'config': 'spacecraft mass analysis',
 'elapsedTime': 6598}
{'state': 'QUEUED',
 'queueNumber': 3,
 'simulationId': 'b7bdf933-f58d-4e7e-b73b-8370c60485cd',
 'simulationTime': '0 ms',
 'project': 'CarBrakingAnalysis',
 'elapsedTime': 52}

Get simulation variables

client.get_variables(<simulation_id>, variables=json.dumps(<parameters>))

This request returns a list of simulation variables during simulation.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription

The ID of the running simulation.

If the simulation_id is not specified, the pyST client will use the simulation_id of the last simulation run.

variablespathoptionalThe set of simulation variables that should be obtained. If no variables are specified, the values of all simulation variables are returned.

Set simulation variables

client.set_variables(<simulation_id>, variables=json.dumps(<parameters>), context=<context ID>, property_path=<property path>)

This request provides a list of simulation variables with values.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription

The ID of the running simulation.

If the simulation_id is not specified, the pyST client will use the simulation_id of the last simulation run.

variablespathrequiredThe set of simulation variables with values that should be used during the current simulation.
contextpathoptionalThe context ID.
property_pathpathoptionalThe property path of the context specified using property names or IDs.

Request and response examples
var = {
 "position": 40

client.set_variables('23ceff24-28fa-47e4-b29f-b6b60b4b12e3', variables=json.dumps(var))

Alternative method to set a single simulation variable

A simplified Set Simulation Variable method can be used when setting a single value, which does not require constructing a JSON.

client.set_variable(<name>, <value>, <simulation_id> (optional), <context> (optional), <propertyPath> (optional)). 

For example, set_variable(name="mass", value=100, propertyPath = "car.engine").

You can also omit parameter names if the parameters are in the correct sequence, for example, client.set_variable("mass", 100).

Pause simulation


This request pauses the execution of the specified simulation.

The following table describes the parameters used in the REST API request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription

The ID of the running simulation.

If the simulation_id is not specified, the pyST client will use the simulation_id of the last simulation run.

Resume simulation


This request resumes the execution of the specified simulation.

The following table describes the parameters used in the REST API request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription

The ID of the running simulation.

If the simulation_id is not specified, the pyST client will use the simulation_id of the last simulation run.

Get simulation results


This request returns the results of the specified simulation. If the OutputParameters tag of the executed Simulation Configuration is specified, the results are provided according to the OutputParameters tag value. If a Time Series or Timeline chart is specified for the Simulation Configuration, the chart data is returned in the JSON format.

The figure below demonstrates how to specify input and output parameters.

Specifying input and output parameters.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription

The ID of the running simulation.

If the simulation_id is not specified, the pyST client will use the simulation_id of the last simulation run.

Get the list of running simulations


This REST API request gets the list of all currently running simulations including the queued simulations that are placed in a waiting line.

Terminate simulation

client.terminate(<simulation_id>, sync=<True/False>)

This request terminates the specified simulation.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription

The ID of a specific simulation.

If the simulation_id is not specified, the pyST client will use the simulation_id of the last simulation run.


Initiates a synchronous API call. If the sync is set to 'True', the call will return when it is completed. Available values are True or False (default).

Check for Simulation Configurations

client.has_configurations(<project>, version=<version>, branch=<branch>)

This request checks if the project has any Simulation Configurations.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription
projectpathrequiredThe Teamwork Cloud project name or ID.
versionpathoptionalThe Teamwork Cloud project version.
branchpathoptionalThe project branch name or ID. If the branch is omitted, the trunk is used instead.

Get Simulation Configurations

client.get_configurations(<project>, version=<version>, branch=<branch>, element=<element>, filter=<ui>)

This request retrieves the names and descriptions of the Simulation Configurations available for the given project.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription
projectpathrequiredThe Teamwork Cloud project name or ID.
versionpathoptionalThe Teamwork Cloud project version.
branchpathoptionalThe project branch name or ID. If the branch is omitted, the trunk is used instead.
elementpathoptionalThe qualified name or server ID of the element to be executed.

Returns Simulations Configurations with a specified UI tag for a particular project. The only possible value for the filter parameter is ui.

Only Simulations Configurations having at least one of the following UI elements are returned:

  • Frame
  • Table
  • TimeSeries chart
  • Timeline chart

Get Simulation Configuration descriptor

client.get_descriptor(<project>, version=<version>, branch=<branch>, config=<config>)

This REST API request retrieves Simulation Configuration data (description, execution target, time step, input and output parameters) from the specified project. The set of input and output parameters is specified using the Input Parameters and Output Parameters properties of a Simulation Configuration. The figure below demonstrates how to specify input and output parameters.

Specifying input and output parameters.

The following table describes the parameters used in the request:

ParameterInRequired or optionalDescription
projectpathrequiredThe Teamwork Cloud project name or ID.
versionpathoptionalThe Teamwork Cloud project version.
branchpathoptionalThe project branch name or ID. If the branch is omitted, the trunk is used instead.
configpathoptionalThe Simulation Configuration name or server ID.

Request and response examples
 client.get_descriptor('SpacecraftMassPollup_SimWeb', config='spacecraft mass analysis')

{'config': 'spacecraft mass analysis',
 'description': 'Simulation Config that is dedicated to run spacecraft mass rollup.',
 'model': 'spacecraft',
 'parameters': {'inputs': [{'parameter': '',
    'value': 32.0,
    'type': 'mass[kilogram]',
    'unit': 'kilogram',
    'requirements': [{'id': '1',
      'text': 'Estimated mass shall be less than allocated mass'}]},
   {'parameter': '',
    'value': 32.0,
    'type': 'mass[kilogram]',
    'unit': 'kilogram',
    'requirements': [{'id': '1',
      'text': 'Estimated mass shall be less than allocated mass'}]},
   {'parameter': '',
    'value': 68.0,
    'type': 'mass[kilogram]',
    'unit': 'kilogram',
    'requirements': [{'id': '1',
      'text': 'Estimated mass shall be less than allocated mass'}]},
   {'parameter': '',
    'value': 68.0,
    'type': 'mass[kilogram]',
    'unit': 'kilogram',
    'requirements': [{'id': '1',
      'text': 'Estimated mass shall be less than allocated mass'}]}],
  'outputs': [{'parameter': '',
    'value': 32.0,
    'type': 'mass[kilogram]',
    'unit': 'kilogram',
    'requirements': [{'id': '1',
      'text': 'Estimated mass shall be less than allocated mass'}]},
   {'parameter': '',
    'value': 68.0,
    'type': 'mass[kilogram]',
    'unit': 'kilogram',
    'requirements': [{'id': '1',
      'text': 'Estimated mass shall be less than allocated mass'}]},
   {'parameter': 'me',
    'value': 95.0,
    'type': 'mass[kilogram]',
    'unit': 'kilogram',
    'requirements': [{'id': '1',
      'text': 'Estimated mass shall be less than allocated mass'}]}]}}

client.get_descriptor('BouncingBall', config='Run BouncingBall')

{'config': 'Run BouncingBall',
 'description': 'Simulation Config dedicated to run simulation with bouncingBall.fmu.',
 'model': 'bouncingBall',
 'timeStep': '10 ms' 


Personal filters