On this page
The following components are deployed on each Teamwork Cloud/Cassandra node:
- Telegraf - system metrics collector
- Dropwizard metrics-graphite-3.1.5.jar - metrics publishing agent for Java
Installing Telegraf
To install and configure Telegraf
- Install Telegraf
- Create yum repo entry, if needed. Refer to step 1a from Monitoring node installation
- Install with the command:
sudo yum install -y telegraf
- Use custom configuration file
- Locate /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf. Make a note of the file ownership and permission
- Locate telegraf.conf.template from the extracted Telemetry-Node-Install folder and replace the existing file in /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf; be sure to reset ownership and permission after replacement
- Edit telegraf.conf and replace HOST_NAME with the monitoring node address
- Enable and start service
- Enable the Telegraf service for startup with the command:
sudo systemctl enable telegraf
- Start Telegraf with the command:
sudo systemctl start telegraf
- Enable the Telegraf service for startup with the command:
- Cycle Teamwork Cloud service (systemctl restart twcloud), if not proceeding with Cassandra metrics installation
Installing Cassandra metrics reporter
To install Cassandra metrics reporter
- Stop Teamwork cloud service
- Install metrics reporter for Cassandra
- Download the metrics reporter jar file with the command:
wget https://_repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/dropwizard/metrics/metrics-graphite/3.1.5/metrics-graphite-3.1.5.jar
- Place the file in Cassandra lib (default path: /usr/share/cassandra/lib/)
- Download the metrics reporter jar file with the command:
- Configure Cassandra to send metrics to the monitoring node
- Locate metrics-reporter-graphite.yaml.template from the extracted Telemetry-Node-Install folder. Copy and rename the template file to the Cassandra configuration path (default: /etc/cassandra/conf/): metrics-reporter-graphite.yaml
- Edit the YAML file
- Replace HOST_NAME with the Cassandra node's hostname
- Replace IP_ADDRESS with the monitoring node's address
- Edit cassandra-env.sh in the Cassandra configuration path by appending the following:
# Enable metrics reporting to InfluxDB using the yammer library METRICS_REPORTER_CFG="metrics-reporter-graphite.yaml" JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Dcassandra.metricsReporterConfigFile=$METRICS_REPORTER_CFG"
- Restart cassandra service and verify successful startup.
- Start Teamwork Cloud service.