On this page

 The following components are deployed on each Teamwork Cloud/Cassandra node:

  • Telegraf - system metrics collector
  • Dropwizard metrics-graphite-3.1.5.jar - metrics publishing agent for Java

Installing Telegraf

To install and configure Telegraf

  1. Install Telegraf
    1. Create yum repo entry, if needed. Refer to step 1a from Monitoring node installation
    2. Install with the command:
      sudo yum install -y telegraf
  2. Use custom configuration file
    1. Locate /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf. Make a note of the file ownership and permission
    2. Locate telegraf.conf.template from the extracted Telemetry-Node-Install folder and replace the existing file in /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf; be sure to reset ownership and permission after replacement
    3. Edit telegraf.conf and replace HOST_NAME with the monitoring node address
  3. Enable and start service
    1. Enable the Telegraf service for startup with the command:
      sudo systemctl enable telegraf
    2. Start Telegraf with the command:
      sudo systemctl start telegraf

  4. Cycle Teamwork Cloud service (systemctl restart twcloud), if not proceeding with Cassandra metrics installation

Installing Cassandra metrics reporter

To install Cassandra metrics reporter 

  1. Stop Teamwork cloud service
  2. Install metrics reporter for Cassandra
    1. Download the metrics reporter jar file with the command:
      wget https://_repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/dropwizard/metrics/metrics-graphite/3.1.5/metrics-graphite-3.1.5.jar
    2. Place the file in Cassandra lib (default path: /usr/share/cassandra/lib/)
  3. Configure Cassandra to send metrics to the monitoring node
    1. Locate metrics-reporter-graphite.yaml.template from the extracted Telemetry-Node-Install folder. Copy and rename the template file to the Cassandra configuration path (default: /etc/cassandra/conf/): metrics-reporter-graphite.yaml
    2. Edit the YAML file
      1. Replace HOST_NAME with the Cassandra node's hostname
      2. Replace IP_ADDRESS with the monitoring node's address
    3. Edit cassandra-env.sh in the Cassandra configuration path by appending the following:
      # Enable metrics reporting to InfluxDB using the yammer library
      JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Dcassandra.metricsReporterConfigFile=$METRICS_REPORTER_CFG"

    4. Restart cassandra service and verify successful startup.
    5. Start Teamwork Cloud service.