
This feature is available in Architect and Enterprise editions only.

The Metric Table is one of four MagicDraw tables. The Metric Table allows you to collect various metrics used to evaluate the current state of your model. A Metric is an item of information about a specific aspect of the model. Each row in the table represents a set of metrics calculated according to the metric suites specified by the user.

To understand the material better, you need to be familiar with the following concepts.

Metric suiteA collection of parameter and metric definitions used to calculate metrics that evaluate specific aspects of your model.
Parameter definitionA variable used for calculating metrics. It can be an element type (including both relationship and DSL element types), a particular element, data type, or data type value.
Metric definitionA formula for calculating metrics according to the parameter values.

Actually, a metric suite is a class with the «MetricSuite» stereotype applied. Both parameter and metric definitions are attributes of the metric suite.


Calculated at regular intervals, metrics help track the evolution of the model development. One metric is the result of a single calculation of a metric definition. The metrics of all the metric definitions of the metric suite, together with relevant parameters, are stored in a single instance of the metric suite as slot values. Use the Metric Table to analyze and manage the instances of the metric suite.

With a help of a Metric Table you can:

  • Calculate model metrics.
  • Change the parameters of the metrics and recalculate them.
  • Customize the representation of the metrics.
  • Export the data to an .html, .xlsx, .xlsm, or .csv file.


Instances of metric suite in metric table

Specific tasks in the Metric Table

The following links outline the specific procedures when working with the Metric Table:


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