This section contains all available ALH (Action Language Helper) APIs that you can use in Magic Model Analyst, e.g., to get and specify a Structural Feature value. You can also call a specific Behavior and operation by using ALH APIs. Creating a runtime object and getting its current State or creating Signal instance are also possible. With ALH APIs, a Signal instance can even be sent to a specific target object. Additionally, you are able to get a token value, retrieve the last signal instance from a runtime object, evaluate an expression, create an Array list in Java, check the State of an object, add a value to an object or remove it, get a context or runtime object of a current script evaluation, access current simulation time and simulation time unit, and add a value to, get a value from, check an existing, or remove a global variable. You can also check a specified State to see if it was visited and trace the caller of a script to access it.


  • You can find more examples of ALH usage at <installation directory>\samples\simulation\SmallTestSamples.mdzip (ALH Tests section). 
  • For more information, see the JavaDoc of ALH at <installation directory>\openapidocs\SimulationJavaDoc.


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