Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud allows you to subscribe to email notifications about all new and modified comments in a Cameo Collaborator document. Once subscribed, you get email notifications as soon as:
A new comment is created
A comment has a new reply
A comment is edited (for example, when a subject or priority is changed)
A comment's status changes (resolved or unresolved)
As you see in the example below, an email notification displays the entire conversation thread. Also, you can navigate to the commented item in a document right from the email notification.
Customizing email templates
Email templates are customizable and can be modified according to your needs. You can find them in the Web_App_Platform_installation_directory\apache-tomcat\shared\conf\data\collaborator\email directory.
An example of an email notification.
You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from email notifications about comment changes in a certain document as described below.
To subscribe to/unsubscribe from email notifications in a Cameo Collaborator document