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The following is the script package used in this page:

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When you report an issue with your modeling tool, Cameo Collaborator or Teamwork Cloud, always include related log files. Log files provide useful information that we need to investigate and troubleshoot your problem.

Using the log file script package

The script package contains utilities for gathering and managing log files on your Teamwork Cloud server. These scripts are designed to run from a Linux or Windows Cygwin command line.

  • Create log file package
    Use the script to create a package of all log files associated with Teamwork Cloud operations. This script will create a TAR archive file containing all the latest logs, as well as some system information. The TAR package can be sent along with your support request to help analyze Teamwork Cloud-related issues.
  • Reset log files
    Sometimes you may need to create a fresh set of log files. Use the script to reset the log files associated with Teamwork Cloud operations. Please make sure all Teamwork Cloud services are stopped before running the script. This script will then rename all the current log files so that new log files can be generated when the Teamwork Cloud services are restarted. Resetting the log files will ensure that the logs will only contain the latest startup information.

Accessing log files

  • For a modeling tool:

Open your modeling tool and in the main menu go to Help > About <modeling tool name>. In the Environment tab, click the link provided in the Log File line to open a log file.


Go to the <user.home>\<.modeling tool name>\<modeling tool version> directory and obtain <modeling tool name>.log file.

Default path for Windows: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\.<modeling tool name>\<modeling tool version number>
Default path for other operating systems: <user.home>/.<modeling tool name>/< modeling tool version number>

  • For Web Application Platform/Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud:

Go to the <WebAppPlatform installation directory>/logs/webappplatform directory and obtain all .log files (e.g., web-app.logcollaborator.log, etc.).

Default path for Linux: /opt/local/TeamworkCloud/WebAppPlatform/logs/webappplatform

Default path for Windows: C:\Program Files\TeamworkCloud\WebAppPlatform\logs\webappplatform

  • For Teamwork Cloud:

Go to the <user.home>\.twcloud\<version number> directory and obtain the server.log file.

Default path for Linux: /home/twcloud/.twcloud/<version>
Default path for Windows: C:\Users\<USER>\.twcloud\<version>

  • For Authentication server:

For version 2022x and up: go to the <TeamworkCloud installation directory>/WebAppPlatform/logs/webappplatform  directory and obtain the authentication.log file.

For earlier versions: go to the <user.home>\.authserver\<version number> directory and obtain the authserver.log file.

Default path for Linux: /home/twcloud/.authserver/<version>
Default path for Windows: C:\Users\<USER>\.authserver\<version>

  • For Cassandra:

Default path for Linux: /var/log/cassandra
Obtain system.log and  debug.log files.

Default path for Windows: C:\apache-cassandra-<version>\logs
Or go to <Cassandra installation directory>\logs directory and obtain system.log  and  debug.log  files .

  • Properties files for Teamwork Cloud:

Default for Linux:

Default for Windows:
C:\Program Files\TeamworkCloud\configuration\application.conf
C:\Program Files\TeamworkCloud\Authserver\config\
C:\Program Files\TeamworkCloud\WebAppPlatform\shared\conf\

  • For Cameo Collaborator for Alfresco:

Go to Alfresco Community installation directory, and obtain the alfresco.logshare.log and solr.log files.

Go to <Alfresco Community installation directory>\tomcat\logs, and obtain the alfrescotomcat-stderr.log, alfrescotomcat-stdout.log and catalina.log files.

Generating a log file

If the performance of your modeling tool declines or it freezes, go to <modeling tool installation directory>\bin, and run the submit_issue.exe or file several times. It dumps threads into the log file of your modeling tool. Then you can access the log file as described above.

Java crash log files

If your modeling tool crashes (disappears), try searching for Java crash log files. They are stored in the running location of the modeling tool, e.g., the <modeling tool installation directory>/bin or <modeling tool installation directory> directory. The names of these log files start with "hs_err", e.g., hs_err_pid15693.log. If you find the Java crash log file, it indicates that Java was the reason of your modeling tool crash.