Teamwork Cloud (TWCloud) is equipped with Data Manager for an administrative process. You need to download the data manager zip file and extract it to the machine where you installed Cassandra. Before using Data Manager, we recommend that you backup your database in the same manner as you do before using the migration tool. You can download the DataManager tool from the same location you download the migration tools for the Cassandra database and UML meta-model.
To run Data Manager
Stop the TWCloud server.
Make sure Cassandra is up and running.
Extract the zip file to the machine where you installed Cassandra.
On the command line, change directory to DataManager folder. Type the command, datamanager -help, to display available commands like the following.
$ datamanager -help
Once you finish working with DataManager, type exit to close it, such as:
osgi> exit
Once Data Manager closes, run a major compaction on the esi keyspace using the nodetool utility.
$ nodetool compact esi
Find detailed information about the nodetool utility and compact command at the following links:
Deletes the given resource(s) and all of its related information.
Specify multiple resource ID using space as separator.
-drd,--delete-marked-deleted resources
Deletes all resources that were marked as deleted.
-du,--delete-user <username> <username> ...
Deletes a given username(s) and all of its related information.
If a username consists of two words (for example, dan smith) you must add double quotation marks (" ") before and after the username, as shown in the following example:
--delete-user "dan smith"
-du "dan smith"
Specify multiple usernames using a space as a separator.