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What is Simulink?

Simulink is a MATLAB-based graphical environment that allows modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamic systems. It enables users to simulate the dynamic behavior of the modeled system, for example, it is now widely used in automatic control and digital signal processing for multi-domain simulation. As for the modeling, Simulink comes with a graphical editor, a customizable block library for building the graphical models of the embedded systems, and solvers. Since it is integrated with MATLAB, MATLAB algorithms can be easily incorporated into Simulink models. 




file import

Our modeling tools support 

Only.slx and and .mdl file formats are supported by the modeling tool file formats, which means that you need to must have a your Simulink model in any of these formats to be able to import it into your model. 

Simulink import

Following . Following the Simulink file import, the Simulink Import Options dialog  dialog opens. It enables users to customize the Simulink model import options. For example, you can specify whether the parameters from the model should be imported as ports or value properties, set the name for the Simulink Block (the Simulink file name is used by default), and mark the check box to automatically attach the file to the model on import. 

Dragging and Dropping Simulink file on diagrams

You can import the Simulink model (in a .slx or .mdl formats) by model by dragging and dropping the Simulink file directly onto the Block Definition (BDD), Internal Block (IBD), or Activity diagrams:

To import the Simulink model

  1. Locate the SLX or MDL file on your file system.
  2. Do either:
    • Drag and drop the file from your file system onto the BDD diagram. A Block with the applied «SimulinkBlock» stereotype is created in the model after customizing Simulink import via the Simulink Import Options dialog.
    • Drag and drop the file from your file system onto the IBD diagram. A Part property is created in the model after customizing Simulink import via the Simulink Import Options dialog.

The Simulink Import Options dialog opens immediately after dropping the file. Specify the Simulink import options and click OK when you are done.

Simulink Import Options dialog.

Dragging and dropping Simulink file on existing Block

You can drag and drop the external Simulink model directly onto the existing element in your model. Once the .slx or .mdl file is dropped, the Simulink Import Options dialog opens. It allows redefining value and part properties.

In this case, a new Block is created as a subtype of the existing Block together with the Generalization relationship. 

Dropping the Simulink file on the existing Block.

In/Out properties in the Simulink Import Options dialog are selected by default to be imported in the model as ports of a Flow type.

Updating existing Simulink Block

An existing Simulink Block can be updated by dragging and dropping the .slx or .mdl file directly on it. This is useful in those cases when there is a need to update the Block, for example, import properties that were left out at first or update the model with the latest version of the Simulink file.

To update a Simulink Block

  1. Locate the SLX or MDL file on your file system.
  2. Drag and drop it on the shape of your Simulink Block.
  3. In the opened Simulink Import Options dialog, select the properties to update the Simulink Block with.
  4. Click OK.

Dragging and dropping the Simulink file on the existing Simulink Block.


Already imported properties are grayed out and cannot be edited in the Simulink Import Options dialog.


 If the Attach file to the project is checked in the Simulink Import Options dialog, a previous version of the attached file is replaced with a new one on import.


The Simulink model can be simulated using Cameo Simulation Toolkit (CST). To learn more, please click here.