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title[Expert Review Needed]Cache error occurred. How to handle it?

Close your modeling tool, delete all cache folders and start the program again.
Cache folders can be found in <user home directory>\.<modeling tool>\<version number>, for example <userhome>\.magicdraw\<18.2>.

If the problem still exists, please add the option into the JAVA_ARGS line in the modeling tool properties file, for example A properties file is in <modeling tool installation directory>\bin.

See the example:

JAVA_ARGS=-Xmx4000M -XX\:PermSize\=60M -XX\:MaxPermSize\=200M -DLOCALCONFIG\=true -splash\:data/splash.png -Dmd.class.path\=$java.class.path -Dcom.nomagic.osgi.config.dir\=configuration -Desi.system.config\=data/application.conf -Dlogback.configurationFile\=data/logback.xml -Xss1024K


title[Expert Review Needed]How do I turn on debug log mode?

To initialize log4j, open <MagicDraw installation directory>/data, and modify the file.

Change the debug level for appropriate categories by specifying log4j.category.<category>=DEBUG or turn on debug for all categories log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG,SO.

title[Expert Review Needed]I have installed several versions of the modeling tool on Mac OS and the application can’t be opened using the .app file. How should I start a program?

Please restart your computer. After multiple updates or after installing different versions of a modeling tool on the same machine with Mac OS, sometimes it happens for unknown reason.

title[Expert Review Needed]I ran into a trouble when installing MagicDraw: Launching installer... Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/zerog/lax/LAX

In most cases such error appears when installer file is truncated or corrupted.

Please try to download an installer again.

Another option is that /usr/bin/java is an old version java. To check which java is used by installer, set environment variable LAX_DEBUG and launch installation again.

By default installer first uses java found in /usr/bin. But there is possibility to use specific VM when launching the installer. Please add parameter LAX_VM to launcher and second parameter path to java executable, here is an example (assuming that java is in /opt/j2sdk1.5.0_03):

./ LAX_VM /opt/j2sdk1.5.0_03/bin/java

title[Expert Review Needed]After the download the installer cannot be launched or it just appears on the screen and vanishes

Please check if the file is not truncated. You can see the exact file size at the download page.
