Containment Markings are displayed on the parent element, indicating the owned elements' Data Markings. They are displayed in parentheses as postfixes next to the element name. You can easily update Containment Markings of either a single element or multiple ones (recursively via the parent element) through the Data Markings & Classification shortcut menu.
To display Containment Markings, you need to specify what element types can have Containment Markings displayed via the Element Types with Containment Markingsproject option.
The Data Markings from the categories with the highest priority (the lowest number indicates the highest priority) are displayed first. If the priority is the same for multiple categories or it is not specified, the Data Markings are displayed based on their categories' alphabetical order.
true - only the highest Data Marking from the same category that is added to the owned element is displayed in the postfix as the Containment Marking. false - all Data Markings from the same category that are added to the owned elements are displayed in the postfix as Containment Markings. The order in which they are displayed depends on the order specified in their Data Marking Category.
The Data Marking that is higher depends on the order of the Data Markings as specified within their category. To learn more about Data Markings' ordering, see the Specifying Data Markings page.