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The code in this section demonstrates some scenarios with Dependency Matrix tool. The code may not be executable or may not return a correct result. The purpose is to show you how to use Generic Table tool and how it works.

Prints the row, column and its relationship name.

Code Block
#foreach ($diagram in $project.getDiagrams("Dependency Matrix"))
 #set ($matrix = $depmatrix.getMatrix($diagram))
 #foreach ($row in $matrix.getRows())
 #foreach ($col in $matrix.getColumns())
 #foreach ($rel in $matrix.getRelation($row, $col))
 $ has $ with $

Counts the number of relations of column elements.

Code Block
#foreach ($diagram in $project.getDiagrams("Dependency Matrix"))
#set ($matrix = $depmatrix.getMatrix($diagram))
#foreach ($col in $matrix.getColumns())
#set ($count = 0)
#foreach ($row in $matrix.getRows())
#set ($numberOfrelation = $matrix.getRelation($row, $col).size())
#set ($count = $count + $numberOfrelation)
$ has $count relations