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titleIf I add a class to a class diagram and begin typing its name with the prefix of the already existing class, the name will be automatically completed. How to tell MagicDraw that it has made the correct assumption and that I would like to accept its choic

Go with the arrows to the desired class name and press Enter.

titleIs there any way to get a sequence diagram from a communication diagram?

Currently there is no way to generate a sequence diagram from a communication diagram, or vice versa.

Communication diagram is kind of Interaction Diagram and reuses some UML elements from Sequence Diagram, but is very limited. Most of advanced Sequence Diagram elements can't be reflected in Communication Diagram. It includes all kinds of CombinedFragments, Gates, Nested activations, Sequence of messages and more, so even theoretically Communication Diagram can't be equal to Sequence Diagram.

Currently we try to gather information what would be the benefits of this feature. We would be very grateful if you could share your opinion with us.

For non automatic elements reuse - Communication Diagram can be generated inside the same Interaction (as Sequence Diagram). In this case Lifelines can be reused by simply drag'n'drop them from Interaction directly to communication diagram.

title[Expert Review Needed]Are there any recommendations for saving diagram as image?

It is not recommended to use the following fonts for diagram saving as .eps, .emf, and .wmf:

Default, Dialog, DialogInput, Monospaced, SansSerif, and Serif.

title[Expert Review Needed]When exporting image to EMF and pasting to Mac Word, error message "Image is corrupted" appears .

This is a know problem of Mac Word. Still we don't know when it will be fixed.

title[Expert Review Needed]When I save a diagram to .emf image and try to insert this image file to my OpenOffice document I only get empty image.

Such problem really exists and will be fixed in future releases.

As a workaround we suggest to save your diagrams as SVG and then use free Inkscape editor ( to export diagrams as hi-res png.

titleHow could I change the symbol style?

There are several ways to change the symbol style. For this purpose you can use:

- Buttons on the Diagram toolbar
Project Options dialog
Symbol Properties dialog

Using buttons on Diagram toolbar

There are buttons in the diagram toolbar designed to modify a symbol style.

Image Added

Set Selected Symbol Style as Default. If you select a symbol, for example, class A and click this button, a current class symbol style will be set as default for all new classes in the project.

Image Added

Apply Default Symbol Style. If you select a symbol and click this button, a default style will be applied to the symbol.

Image Added

Select All of the Same type. If you want to select on a diagram all symbols of the same type, click only one symbol as an example of the type and then click this button. All symbols of this type will be selected. Once all symbols of the same type are selected, you could apply changes, for example, a new default style to all of them at one go.

NOTE: If you can not see these buttons, please, switch your perspective to the Expert mode (on the main menu, click Options > Perspectives > Perspectives and select the Expert check box in the Select Perspective dialog).

Using Project Options dialog

1. On the main menu, click Options > Project. The Project Options dialog will open.
2. In the Project Options tab tree, select Symbols properties styles > Default, expand Default if needed, and then click the appropriate node: Shapes, Paths, Diagram, or Stereotypes. If you want to change style of a particular shape or path, expand the Shapes or Paths node, and select the desired symbol, for example, the actor or link.
3. Edit property values in the pane on the right.
4. When you have finished, do any of the following:
- If you need to apply changes to the project, click the Apply button. The list of diagrams wherein the symbol style changes can be applied will open. Select diagrams (use CTRL or SHIFT keys for multiple selection) you need and click OK. Then click OK to close the Project Options dialog.
- If you do not need to apply changes right now, click OK to close the Project Options dialog. The new style properties will be saved and set as default.

Using Symbol Properties dialog

1. Select a symbol and open the Symbol Properties dialog (right-click on the symbol and select Symbol(s) Properties or press ENTER+ALT). 2. Edit symbol property values (see figure bellow). 3. Select the Make Defaultcheck box before closing the dialog (see figure bellow), and all symbols of this type in the same diagram will be in the new style.

Image Added

titleHow to visualize particular parts of the model in a diagram?

To visualize relationships between elements do the following:

1. Select one or more elements in the diagram.

2. Right-click selected elements and, from the shortcut menu, select Related Elements > Display Paths. To see related elements of the selected element do the following:

  1. Drag an element into a diagram.
  2. Right-click this element and, from the shortcut menu, select Related Elements > Display Related Elements. The Display Related Elements dialog will open.
  3. In the dialog, choose settings you need and click OK. We suggest using the Layout feature to arrange elements automatically for a better view in a diagram. You can find this feature in the main menu, in the diagram toolbar, or in the diagram shortcut menu. For more information about related elements please refer to Section Displaying Related Elements in MagicDraw UserManual.pdf. To open the manual, in the main menu, select Help > MagicDraw UserManual. Also you can find the manual in the < MagicDraw install root > \manual folder.

If you are using MagicDraw 16.8 or the later version, you can use a Relation Map for the relationship visualizing. To create the Relation Map do the following:

  1. Select one or more elements in the diagram.
  2. Right-click selected elements and, from the shortcut menu, select Related Elements > Create Relation Map. A new Relation Map will be created. For more information about the Relation Map creation please refer to Section Relation Map in MagicDraw UserManual.pdf. To open the manual, in the main menu, select Help > MagicDraw UserManual. Also you can find the manual in the < MagicDraw install root > \manual folder.

titleIs there a way I can find all items in the containment tree that are not used in any diagram? This would be useful to tidy up models.

You can easily find elements that are not used in any diagram using MagicDraw Find functionality.

Select command Find... from the main Edit menu to invoke Find dialog. Then specify search scope (we do not recommend to search in the whole Data package, as elements from modules will be found), and select checkboxes "Search data unused in diagrams" and "Load diagrams and unloadable modules".

Elements that are not used in any diagram will be displayed in the Search tab in model browser.

titleIs there a way to automatically display links when element with relations is dragged onto the diagram?

To automatically discover relations on elements drag'n'drop - go to Options -> Environment -> Diagram -> Editing -> and change Display paths on element drop to true.

titleI would like to specify that a string has maximum length 8 or that an account number has only 14 numbers. How do I specify this?

"Type Modifier" property should be used. Open property specification window, switch to the "Expert" property displaying mode, and define value (for example - 14) there.

titleHow to do a loop with a conditional in sequence diagram?

You may model loops and conditions using fragments.

Use Combined fragment with operator "loop" for iteration notation and add another one Combined Fragment with operator "alt" for conditional messages grouping inside loop.

titleDoes your tool support bidirectional associations (arrow at each end or no arrows)?

MagicDraw allows you to show navigability arrow only on one end of an association path. When both ends are "navigable," MagicDraw simply suppresses that information and arrows are not visible.

titleHow do I associate a state diagram with a certain class?

There are two ways:

1. Drag and drop a state diagram on the selected class in the browser.

2. Choose the "State Diagram" command from the class shortcut menu in the browser tree.

titleHow do I connect interface to port with Interface Realization relation?

Port must have type specified. Only after that provided interfaces can be specified. This is because port can't provide interfaces itself, port type does (Interface Realization relation is created between type of the port and Interface, it can't be connected to Port, because port is not Classifier). Port type can be also class like port_impl.

titleI have a class which has a realization relationship to an interface. When I use this class in a sequence diagram (as the receiver of a message), I cannot select the operation, which is part of the interface.

Class must implement all operations from interface first. From the class shortcut menu, choose Tools->Implement/Override Operations or implement all operations manually.

titleI have two diagrams on which the same pair of classes appears. On one of the diagrams an association is displayed between this pair, but not on the other. How can I get this association to appear on the other diagram?

Please use Related Elements > Display Paths shortcut menu command.

titleI have no possibility to display the names of transitions in the State Machine diagram. The option "show name" in the context menu of the transition doesn't work.

The name of the transition (the value of the name property) is never shown in diagram - this has no semantic meaning. Instead, you can specify e.g. a signal, that triggers the transition. In this case the name of the trigger is displayed. If trigger name is not specified, signal name is displayed. If start typing on a transition, the signal with the name is typed will be created Automatically and the trigger will reference that signal.

A trigger defines types of events that can initiate a transition between states. An event is anything that can happen in a system: signal sent by some behavior, a call to a specific operation, reaching a point in time, a change in values within the system, etc. In other words, the formally defined list of possible events is enough for modeling state machine transitions using UML. A transition has to know of some event (indirectly), it cannot be fired by a trigger alone.

Transition signature defined in section 15.3.14 of UML 2.2 is as follows:

::= [ [',' ]* ['[' ']'] ['/' ]]

However, trigger is a non-terminal and its production rule is described in section "13.3.31 Trigger" (UML 2.2):

::= | | | |

Production rules for call-event, signal-event, any-receive-event, time-event and change-event are described in sections 13.3.6, 13.3.25, 13.3.1, 13.3.27, 13.3.7 respectively:

::= ['(' [ ] ')']

::= ['(' [ ] ')']

::= 'all'

::= |

::= 'after'

::= 'at'

::= 'when'

As can be seen, trigger names are never used in transition labeling. Instead, names of the referenced elements are used.

titleSearch for the elements, which are not used in diagrams, finds attributes, operations, or slots that are represented on transitions. How to find out whether a particular element is needed in the model or not?

It is considered that an element is used in a diagram, when there is a dedicated symbol representing it on the diagram. States and transitions have dedicated symbols for them. When a signal is assigned to the transition via trigger, it does not have a dedicated symbol on the diagram. It is only a part of textual representation of transition signature.

Let's do the following: assign a type X to an attribute on a diagram. Though we see X on the diagram as an attribute type, it is not considered as used in the diagram, because it is displayed only as a part of the attribute notation.

If you want to find out whether a particular element is needed in the model or not, use the Usages/ Dependencies functionality. Select an element in the Model Browser and from its shortcut menu select Used By. This way you may follow the chain of elements in the model and decide whether a given element is rubbish, or it makes sense.

titleHow can (inv:, def:, init:, derive:, pre:, post:, body: ) type constraints be modeled?

All of the variants, defined in OCL 2.0 spec can be modeled (inv:, def:, init:, derive:, pre:, post:, body: ), but each is modeled in a slightly different way. Correspondingly, the header line in the OCL expression editor is generated according to model situation.*

inv:* is easiest - any simple constraint having an OCL2.0 expression language is treated as invariant. They should have a field constrainedElement filled in, pointing to some class (constrainedElement=SomeClass). To be extra thorough in following the OCL spec, you should also apply the <<invariant>> stereotype on the constraint, but this is not necessary - it is implied.

Note that any other OCL constraints/expressions, that the handling code can not classify into the more specific categories (as defined below) are treated as inv: constraints.*

def:* - definition constraints are modeled in the same way as invariant constraints, but the constraint must have <<definition>> stereotype applied. The concrete element to be defined (additional field or additional operation) is placed inside of the body.*

init:* - this has to be an expression (not a constraint!) placed in some property's defaultValue field. So, you need to create some property in your class, then open specification of that property, then rightclick the Default Value field, go to >Value Specification>Opaque Expression. After this you can enter the OCL into the field in the same manner as you enter OCL into the specification field of the constraint*.

derive:* - is modeled the same way as init, but the property has to be derived ( isDerived=true ).*

pre:, *post: - these are constraints on some operation of the class. However these must be placed NOT as a simple constraints(rightclick>New Element>Constraint) BUT in a special designated fields(metaproperties) of the operation. Open operation specification window, switch into Expert mode, see the Precondition, Postcondition fields. Click the necesary field, click [+], then choose Constraint. Fill in the OCL constraint as necessary.*

body:* - body condition is filled in the same way as pre and post conditions, but there is an additional hoop to jump through - for some reason, I do not know why, Body Condition field is marked as not shown in Expert mode (neither in Standart). So in specification window of Operation, click Customize button, find Body Condition field, and flip the radio button to Expert, and OK the dialog. After this, Body Condition field will appear in Expert mode specification window of operation in the same way Precondition and Postcondition fields do.

Small nuance: operation can have multiple pre and post conditions but only one body condition.

All these things are described/mandated in the OCL spec (06-05-01.pdf for OCL2.0), chapter 12: The Use of OCL Expressions in UML Models.

Modeling of these expression types is also briefly mentioned in MagicDraw UserManual.pdf. See chapter 8 Model Analysis>Validation>Advanced Topics>Modeling other types OCL2.0 constraints/expressions