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titleHow to run Teamwork Cloud in FIPS Mode?

You may encounter an error message similar to the one shown below when running Teamwork Cloud in FIPS Mode. PKCS12 keystore creation and usage are blocked in FIPS Mode for Java 11 and older versions.

Code Block
PBES2 AlgorithmParameters not available

First, make sure the initial installation was able to generate a self-signed certificate and keystore. Look for keystore.p12 and teamworkcloud.crt files in <install_root>/MagicCollaborationStudio/TeamworkCloud/configuration. If these files were not generated, run the genkey script in <install_root>/MagicCollaborationStudio/TeamworkCloud/script/linux. Check for the keystore.p12 and teamworkcloud.crt files again and change ownership to twcloud (or other username that you chose during installation.) Once these two files are generated, version 2024x should be able to run in FIPS Mode.

If the genkey script is not able to generate the self-signed certificate and keystore, set the system Java version to 17 (alternatives --config java) and try again.

For 2022x Refresh 2, append the following line to the end of the jvm.options file located in <install_root>/MagicCollaborationStudio/TeamworkCloud.

Code Block

This configuration will allow Teamwork Cloud to Magic Collaboration Studio to use PKCS #12 keystore in FIPS Mode. Similar configurations will have to be set for Cassandra if encrypted communication is enabled.


titleHow to install and use Temurin OpenJDK or another Java release on Linux?

Download the desired version of Temurin OpenJDK ( For most cases, the JRE package is adequate.

Unpack the tar.gz file on the Linux server (/opt path is recommended)

Add the newly-installed Java release as an alternative:

Code Block
alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java <path to new java>/bin/java <priority number>

Set as the default system Java:

Code Block
alternatives --config java
titleHow do I upgrade Teamwork Cloud to a newer version?
Open the upgrade path diagram in a new tab and use it to determine what steps are required for the upgrade. Upgrading from older versions will require database migration and Cassandra upgrade. Minor upgrades will only involve uninstalling the current version and installing the latest version.
titleDoes 2021x Refresh 2 work with Cassandra 4.1?

Magic Collaboration Studio 2021x Refresh 2 Hot Fix 5 supports Cassandra 4.0.X out of the box. For 2021x Refresh 2 to connect to Cassandra 4.1.X, add the following parameter to the end of the application.conf file in <install_root>/<product>/configuration.

Code Block
esi.persistence.cassandra.enable-check-version = false
