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Teamwork Cloud server allows for contributing on huge projects, supporting multiple contractors who are not able to work on the same Teamwork Cloud installation. This feature allows you to import .mdzip files that have been previously exported back to the server project. Thus, you can simply save your project locally as a .mdzip file and send this file to another contractor. The contractor is then able to update the very same server project from the local project. Once the contractor completes project editing, he or she can send the project back to you. This life cycle may continue between any amount of contractors. The feature works even when multiple contractors work with separate Teamwork Cloud installations as well as local work environments. Teams can either use Teamwork Server in addition to Teamwork Cloud, or select not to use Teamwork Server or Teamwork Cloud at all.

The main contribution workflow is as follows:

  1. Contractor A saves the project locally.
  2. Contractor B gets the locally saved project for editing, modifies it and sends back to Contractor A.
  3. Contractor A receives the modified project and updates the server project.

To update the server project from the local one, you must have Administer Resources permission.

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