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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: NOV-7 Information Model Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NPV-1 Programme Portfolio Relationships Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NPV-2 Programme to Capability Mapping Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSOV-1 Service Taxonomy Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSOV-2 Service Definitions Agne P. Feb 21, 2018
Page: NSOV-3 Services to Operational Activities Mapping Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSOV-4 Service Orchestration Agne P. Sept 19, 2017
Page: NSOV-5 Service Behaviour Definition Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSV-1 System Interface Description Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSV-10a Systems Parametric Agne P. Apr 24, 2018
Page: NSV-10a Systems Rule Model Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSV-10b Systems State Transition Description Agne P. Feb 09, 2018
Page: NSV-10c Systems Event-Trace Description Agne P. Sept 19, 2017
Page: NSV-11 Systems Data Model Agne P. Feb 21, 2018
Page: NSV-12 Service Provision Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSV-2 System Communications Description Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSV-3 System to System Matrix Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSV-4 System Functionality Description Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSV-5 System Function to Operational Activity Traceability Matrix Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSV-6 Systems Data Exchange Matrix Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSV-7 System Typical Quality Requirements Description Agne P. Mar 03, 2021
Page: NSV-8 System Evolution Description Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NSV-9 Technology Forecast Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NTV-1 Technical Standards Profile Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: NTV-2 Technical Standards Forecast Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: Operational Agne P. Jan 29, 2024
Page: Operational Activity Agne P. Nov 30, 2016
Page: Operational Activity Action Agne P. Dec 06, 2016
Page: Operational Activity Action behavior is not defined or is incorrect user-6f8ee Feb 24, 2016
Page: Operational Agent Agne P. Dec 08, 2016
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