The Teamcenter Integration plugin complements Teamcenter – Siemens Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software – with UML/SysML modeling capabilities provided in our modeling tools. This state-of-the-art integration is the result of collaboration between Siemens PLM and our team.
The Teamcenter Integration plugin allows you to expose PLM operations, such as saving, updating and revising, within our modeling tools. You can manage and reuse UML/SysML models by storing model files as modeling baselines. It is also possible to save selected diagrams (as images) and external files together with a project file in Siemens Teamcenter.
The plugin integrates the Active Workspace Client into our modeling tools. This allows you to browse Teamcenter data, including exported SysML elements and diagrams, without leaving the modeling tool environment. You can import/export items or model elements as bill of materials (BOM) to/from our modeling tools, and synchronize changes from a modeling tool to Siemens Teamcenter and vice versa. The Teamcenter Integration plugin comes with a complete mapping scheme that is available out-of-the-box. The mapping scheme is based on the best fit between SysML and RFLP (Requirements, Functional, Logical and Physical approach). Additionally, the default mapping is customizable on a single property level.
The Teamcenter Integration plugin gives you the benefit of using SysML functional behavior modeling to complement the Teamcenter multi-domain system modeling with the model driven function allocation and system interface definition. You can also enable model driven requirement engineering using our modeling tools. This allows you to take advantage of model driven requirement analysis and validation.