On this page:

This page provides answers to the most frequently asked questions and tips for troubleshooting the Authentication Server.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the Authentication Server log file?

The default log file location is <user home folder>/.authserver/<version number>. The log file is called authserver.log.

What I should see in the Authentication Server log file, which indicates that the Authentication Server successfully started? 

INFO  2017-04-13 07:58:36.860 Started AuthenticationServer in 7.673 seconds (JVM running for 8.103) [AuthenticationServer, main]

How to check the Authentication Server status?

  • On Linux, type: 

    $ sudo service authserver status
  • On Windows, open the Windows Services panel, find Authentication Server service and check the status.


The Authentication Server log file does not appear in the specified directory

Make sure that log configuration points to the file location that is writable. You can find the log config in the file <TWCloud directory>/AuthServer/config/logback-spring.xml.

The Authentication Server does not start on Windows

Make sure that the log configuration points to the location that is writable. You can find the log config in the file <TWCloud directory>/AuthServer/config/logback-spring.xml.

The Authentication Server does not start on Linux

You need to make sure the following things:

  • There is no spaces in the path to the AuthServer directory.

  • The log configuration points to the location that is writable. You can find the log config in the file <TWCloud directory>/AuthServer/config/logback-spring.xml.

  • Also, take a look at the directory /var/log/ and search for the file <service name>.log (the default would be authserver.log). There should be error information in this log file.

Unable to log in with different users by using ForgeRock as Identity Provider

If you were logged in with one ForgeRock user and after logging out you are trying to log in with another ForgeRock user, you will get an error message. If this happens, close the browser, reopen it, and try to log in again.