Each Legend Item of a Legend should have a unique style. This style is defined by specifying Legend Item adornment properties. After creating or displaying a Legend in a diagram or table, Legend Item adornment (style) is applied to the symbols or table rows of corresponding elements and represented as the Legend Item icon inside the Legend. There is a wide range of Legend Item adornment properties, including:

  • Fill color
  • Text color
  • Shape or path line color, style, and width
  • Icon and icon position on shape or path
  • Representation as a square shape, rectangular shape, line, or extended line

If you specify Legend Item adornment for the Legend that is applied to a table, you should only specify the Fill Color property. Other adornment properties, e.g., Icon, Pen Color, or Line Style, are not applied to table rows.

You can specify the adornment properties of a Legend Item in the Adornment Properties dialog.

To open the adornment properties of a Legend Item

  1. Open the Specification window of a Legend Item.

  2. Click the specification cell of the Adornment property, and then click .
  3. In the Adornment Properties dialog, specify the desired adornment properties.

Adornment Properties dialog.

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