We call executable such concepts that can be specified by some expressions and calculated. In modeling tools developed by No Magic, executable are:

  • Validation rules - that are predefined or custom constraints having a purpose to validate a model or particular model elements.
  • Derived properties - properties that are automatically calculated from the other properties.
  • Smart packages - that are special collections of model elements.
  • Executable opaque behaviors - reusable expression fragments callable form other executable concepts.
  • Metric definitions - calculate aggregate parameters of models.
  • Macros - a script that is created using a particular script language. With the help of macros, you can control items that are allowed in Developer Guide.
  • Opaque behaviors - a behavior with implementation-specific semantics. 

In a modeling tool, executable concepts are defined in one of the languages that our modeling tool can evaluate:

  • StructuredExpression - a graphical way to construct expressions out of predefined blocks. 
  • Object Constraint Language.
  • Binary - an expression that is written in Java, compiled and added to our modeling tool with a plugin.
  • One of the following scripting languages:
    • Groovy
    • JavaScript
    • JavaScript Rhino
    • Jython

Additional scripting languages can be plugged into our modeling tool, if they have JSR-223-compliant implementation.

You can test and evaluate your expressions with the help of the Expression Evaluation tool.