In the generated javadoc (, you will find a detailed description of classes, their attributes, and operations. JavaDocs are located in <modeling tool installation directory>\openapi\docs.

This guide describes the Open Java API of MagicDraw or a Cameo Suite product, such as Cameo Systems Modeler, and provides instructions on how to implement custom plugins, add actions to the menus or toolbars, change UML model elements as well as create new patterns. Though MagicDraw is used in examples mainly, other modeling tools, since they are based on the MagicDraw modeling platform, perform the same. 

The program core code and used libraries are packaged in jars files that are located in <modeling tool installation directory>\lib (and its subdirectories).

Some plugins also exposes Open API. Plugins libraries can be located in <modeling tool installation directory>\plugins\<plugin_name>

 The code can be divided into the following three API scope groups:

Java annotations are used to distinguish which API scope in the provided code belongs to. Annotations of the type (class, interface, enum) declaration:


API Scope

Scope applies to



The annotated type declaration and all declared members, constructors.



The annotated type declaration only. Each declared member, constructor is annotated explicitly with the @OpenApi or @InternalApi annotation (see the following table).



The annotated type declaration and all declared members, constructors.



The annotated type declaration and all declared members, constructors.

Annotations of the member, constructor declaration of the @OpenApi type:


API Scope

Scope applies to



The annotated declared member or constructor.



The annotated declared member or constructor.

Only code from the OpenAPI scope should be used to extend the modeling tool. All the InternalAPI and NotAPI scope code are additionally annotated with the @Deprecated annotation. This allows seeing the illegal API usage in all modern IDEs without an additional configuration.

We provide a set of plugin samples in <modeling tool installation directory>\openapi\examples. By using these examples, you can find out on how to use an OpenAPI.

In the generated javadoc, you will find the detailed description of classes, their attributes, and operations. JavaDocs are located in <modeling tool installation directory>\openapi\docs.