A Strategic Motivation Table (St-Mv) allows you to organize Strategic requirements (Enterprise Goals, Enterprise Objectives) in a tabular form. Because the requirements are text-based, using a table format for inputting requirement details is more convenient. This format resembles a spreadsheet, offering more space than the confined boxes in a diagram. In this table, each row corresponds to a requirement, while the columns capture various properties of each requirement. With this table, you can:

To create a new requirement in the table

  1. In the table toolbar, click Add New.
  2. From the menu, choose the needed requirement type.
  3. Add the requirement's name and text.

To create a new nested requirement

  1. In the table, select a requirement for which you want to create a nested requirement.
  2. In the table toolbar, click Add Nested.
  3. From the menu, choose the needed requirement type.
  4. Add the requirement's name and text.

To add an existing Requirement to the table

  1. In the table toolbar, click Add Existing.
  2. In the Select Requirement dialog, choose the requirement you need.

    If you want to add more than one existing requirement, in the Select Requirement dialog, click Multiple Selection.

  3. Click OK.