To create an intersection

  1. Create or select at least three classes in your project. Name at least two of the classes, as shown below.
  2. Draw two subclass from the anonymous class to the two named classes. 
  3. Right-click on each subclass arrows and in the menu shown, select Concept Modeling > Add superclass to the conditions sufficient to classify an instance.
  4. Two Necessary & Sufficient stereotypes appear.
  5. Hover over the unnamed class and it will describe the intersection.
  6. You can stop here OR you can go further and create a Superclass Intersection.
  7. Right click on the unnamed or named class and select Concept Modeling > Convert to Superclass Intersection notation.
  8. The end result should look like the following figure.

You can also create an intersections as shown below, simply by naming all the classes created. 

Example of Intersection using «Necessary & Sufficient»

Example of Intersection Using «Superclass Intersection»

Please read Working with superclass intersection for more information about Superclass Intersections. 

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