In the published project portal, you can quickly find the items you need to review. Cameo Collaborator searches for names and types that match or include the entered search phrase.

If the published project contains several views, the search can be performed across the entire model or in the selected view only.

In the Process Portal project you can choose to perform the search across the entire model or just in one of the following views: Processes, Data Objects, Organization Structures, and Information Systems.


To find an item

  1. In the title bar, click Search. The box for entering a search phrase is opened.
  2. If your project has views, and you need to narrow the search scope to one of these views, click  near the search box and select that view.
  3. Enter a search phrase.

    Enter at least 3 characters.

  4. In the search results list, click the item you are looking for.

    If the published project has several views, you can see their names added to each item in the search results list.

The item becomes selected in the Navigation pane. The content pane of that item opens as well.

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