This section explains how to install Teamwork Cloud (TWCloud) on a single server using zip files and set up its configuration file to allow access to the authentication server.

To install TWCloud on Linux by unzipping the file to a directory

  1. Verify that 'java –version' is the active version of Java (Oracle JDK 1.8.0_152).
  2. Unzip the file to a folder, for example, /opt. Once you have unzipped the file, you will get the folder name /opt/TeamworkCloudSuite.

  3. Open the server configuration file /opt//TeamworkCloudSuite/configuration/application.conf and edit the hostname, seed node, and host address to use the node's own IP address (see the following example). 

    hostname = ""

    seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://twcloud@"]

    host = ""

    Also, update the following TWCloud configuration to allow access to the authentication server (protocol and ports are defaults).

    # Authentication Server address
    esi.auth {
    # Authentication Server protocol, IP address and port
    # InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress is used if server is left empty
    protocol = "https"
    server = ""
    port = "8555"

  4. Update theAuthServer configuration: <AuthServer install root>\config\ by specifying the IP address instead <serverIP>:<serverIP>
    authentication.redirect.uri.whitelist=https://<serverIP>:8111>/twcloud_admin/,https://md_redirect <serverIP>

  5. Generate default keypair and certificate by running the following command.
    $ cd /opt/TeamworkCloudSuite/scripts/linux
    $ ./genkey

There are a number of additional steps to run TWCloud as a service on Linux. Before proceeding, make sure the server's log configuration points to the file location that is writable. You can find the log config in the file TeamworkCloudSuite/configuration/logback.xml.

You need to check if the file location path is editable.

To run TWCloud as a service on Linux

  1. Choose or create a user dedicated to running the server, for example, twcloud.
  2. Create a file, /etc/twcloud/twcloud-env, and set the required environment variables as the following:
    • TWCLOUD_HOME: to point to the directory where TWCloud was installed.
    • TWCLOUD_OWNR: the user account under which TWCloud will run.
    • JAVA_HOME: a directory containing a Java JDK or JRE.

  3. Copy the service startup script into the init.d directory, for example:

    $ sudo cp /opt/TeamworkCloudSuite/scripts/linux/twcloud-svc /etc/init.d
  4. To make the service start/stop with system startup/shutdown, use chkconfig command:

    $ sudo chkconfig --add twcloud-svc

To uninstall TWCloud as a service

  1. Remove the service from chkconfig management:

       $ sudo chkconfig --del twcloud-svc


  2. Remove the service script from the init.d directory by typing the following: 
        $ sudo rm /etc/init.d/twcloud-svc 

Once you have installed TWCloud, use your administrator account to create user accounts through TWAdmin. See Creating a user for the instructions to add user accounts.


Starting TWCloud and TWAdmin on Linux