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Viewing resource details

The way you view resource details depends on the type of a user account you are signed in with.

To view resource details as an Administrator user

  1. Open the Resources app and go to the category where the relevant resource is located.
  2. Click the resource, the details of which you want to view.

To view resource details as a non-Administrator user

  1. Open the Resources app and go to the category where the relevant resource is located.
  2. Click  next to the resource, the details of which you want to view.
  3. From the menu, select View resource details.

Resource details, such as category, creation date, and last modification date, are shown on the Resource pane on the right side of the screen.

When you are viewing resource details in the Resource pane, you can select to edit the details or remove the resource. To edit resource details, click Edit on the bottom of the pane. To remove the resource - click Remove.

Resource details displayed on the Resource panel of the repository.

Editing resource details

You can edit a resource name and description or move the resource to another category as described below.

To edit resource details

  1. Open the Resources app and go to the category where the relevant resource is located.
  2. Click  next to the resource, the details of which you want to edit.
  3. On the Edit resource details pane, do one or several of the following actions:
    • Change resource name in the Resource name field.
    • Change resource category in the Category field to move the resource to another category.
    • Change or add resource description in the Description field.
  4. Click  on top right corner of the Edit resource details pane.

When you get a confirmation message, it means the resource details are successfully updated.