The effective IRI meta-property provides a derived absolute IRI used for OWL export on an element.

All valid elements like Classes, data types, or properties show effective meta-property for an IRI in the Specification window. This meta-property is visible in the Standard and Expert properties filters and always shows absolute IRI value.

For Existential and Universal property constraints, an IRI is the value of the property constraints.

IRI tagged value

Function of effective meta-property for an IRI value

Relative IRI

Generates an absolute IRI value (not applicable for Packages).

Absolute IRI

Uses an absolute IRI value.

Blank or null IRI

Generates an absolute IRI value.

  • Relative IRI is a shortened IRI name after a hash (#) or the last slash (/).
  • Absolute IRI is a full IRI which is the namespace with a relative IRI separated by a hash (#) or slash (/).

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