Before you can perform any DataHub operations, e.g., setting up an IBM® Rational® DOORS® Data Source, you need to start the DOORS client application, as well as deploying the DOORS driver from the DataHub menu in MagicDraw. After starting the DOORS client, you can create DOORS Data Sources in the MagicDraw® DataHub Explorer tab. If the DOORS client is not started, MagicDraw® displays an error dialog that it cannot be connected to the DOORS client.

To start the DOORS client

  1. Open IBM® Rational® DOORS® and log on to the DOORS client.
  2. From the DataHub menu in the MagicDraw main menu, deploy the DOORS driver.

You can now connect to DOORS from DataHub and create DOORS Data Sources from the MagicDraw® DataHub Explorer tab.

If you reload DOORS Data Sources, the DOORS application runs automatically.