If you have many DHLinks to review, you can select DHLink Summary from the DataHub menu to open the Cameo DataHub DHLink Summary dialog and view all types of links. In the DHLink Summary dialog, you can filter the relations that you want to view and adjust the display. You can also remove or update a relation, or clear the status.

There are two filter options: No DHLink and DHLink. The No DHLink option filters all elements that have no DHLink element in the DataHub, and the DHLink option filters all elements that contain DHLink synchronization.

To open the DHLink Summary dialog

  1. On the MagicDraw main menu, click Tools > DataHub > DHLink Summary.
  2. The DHLink Summary dialog opens. The Filter Options pane on the left-hand side allows you to choose what type of relations you want to see. You can select one of the following:
  3. Select any check boxes that represents the driver and Data Source to open them in the DHLink summary.
  4. Click . The DHLink summary displays on the right-hand side of the dialog.

DHLink Summary of DataHub

The table below provides the description of each column in the DHLink Summary dialog.


The name of the element or node in a selected driver that has a DHLink.

The sources are ordered according to their Data Sources.

DirectionThe direction of synchronization between two elements.

The name of the element that has a DHLink with another element in the Source column.


The type of the element. This is usually a node or a link.

DHLink Type

The type of DHLink between the Source and Target.


The status of the DHLink that can be Synchronized, Pending Update, Pending Delete, Excluded, or Orphan.


To include a summary of the DHTrace links - Suspect or traced.