The DataHub operation mode in DataHub Explorer provides several options for you to work with your data. You can Copy DataCopy Data with Sync, Copy Data with DHTrace, and Create DHTrace.

Operation modes in DataHub Explorer.

The table below explains the functions of the DataHub operation mode in detail.

DataHub operation modeFunction
Copy DataCopies data and child nodes only.
Copy Data with Sync

Copies data and create a DHLink between the original and new data to be copied.

  • When DataHub synchronizes data using this mode, it updates or deletes items whenever their associated items are changed or deleted.
  • The DHLink transfers the newly created nodes to the other associated tools as well.

Copy Data with DHTraceCopies data and create a DHTrace link between the source and target nodes.
Create DHTrace (with OSLC links)

Creates a DHLink between the source and target nodes without copying any data.

Creates an OSLC link from an IBM® Rational® DOORS® Next Generation Data Source to a MagicDraw® element.

Copying data allows you to share data from one application to another and optionally synchronize them at the same time. You can copy data by dragging an item from the source item to the target item. The source or target item can be any of the following:

Dragging an item from the source to the target copies the item and paste it onto the selected target item. Any existing relationship within the copied items are automatically copied to the target item.

  • The parent-and-child relationships are transferred from the source to target items.
  • The dependency relationships from MagicDraw® are also transferred if both the source and target items are selected.