Description The Operational Event-Trace Description provides a time-ordered examination of the information exchanges between participating operational nodes as a result of a particular operational thread or scenario. Each event-trace diagram should have an accompanying description that defines the particular scenario or situation and represent a specific capability. The OV-6c is also used in conjunction with an OV-5 to depict process flow (such as an IDEF3 model). A process flow model captures precedence and causality relations between situations and events by providing a structured method for expressing knowledge about how a process or organization works. A process flow model should be annotated with the names of the operational nodes responsible for conducting those activities. The net-centric OV-6c describes the business and mission processes that need to be executed to achieve NetCentric Operations (NCO). The ability to discover, access, and understand information and capabilities from the NCE,where and when they are needed, is supported by the OV-6c and can be decomposed to the level of specificity required for the subject architecture. In the NCE, the OV-6c may depict the following: - Exchanges between the Service Functionality Providers and Service Consumers, the Service Consumers and external Service Functionality Providers, and between the Service Functionality Providers and Unanticipated Users.
- Sequences that describe the timeline for the availability of information for any of its refinement states (raw, preprocessed, fused, etc.).
- Handling, methodologies, and the Enterprise Information Environment (EIE) infrastructure components that support the operational concepts of post before processing.
- Illustration of one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many exchanges between Service Functionality Providers and Service Consumers found in the net-centric OV-3.
Implementation OV-6c can be represented using a UML Sequence diagram. Sample 
OV-6c Operational Event-Trace DescriptionRelated views The OV-6c can be used by itself or in conjunction with an Operational State Transition Description (OV-6b) to describe the dynamic behavior of processes. The information content of messages that connect life-lines in an OV-6c View Product may be related, in modeling terms, with the information flows (OV-3, OV-5) and information entities (OV-7) modeled in other views. |