You can use the shortcut menu Edit subproperty chain to edit a property chain, and to add, remove, or reorder properties in a chain in the Specification window.

To edit a property chain

  1. Right-click a property chain in the diagram pane.

    The Edit subproperty chain shortcut menu to edit a property chain.
  2. Select Concept Modeling > Edit subproperty chain. The Specification dialog of the property will open showing the property chain in the Tags section.

    The Specification window of the property "has uncle".
  3. Click the tagged value, e.g., chain = has father, has brother.
  4. Click . The Specification of Slot < > window will open.
    Editing the property chain in the Specification window.
  5. Click Value and click the properties box next to it.
  6. You can click:
     to add a property to the chain.

     to delete a selected property from the chain.

     to order the properties in the chain.

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