This section explains how to install Teamwork Cloud (TWCloud) on a single server using zip files and set up its configuration file to allow access to the authentication server.

To install TWCloud on Linux by unzipping the file to a directory

  1. Verify that 'java –version' is the active version of Java (Oracle JDK 1.8.0_152).
  2. Unzip the file to a folder, for example, /opt. Once you have unzipped the file, you will get the folder name /opt/TeamworkCloudSuite.

  3. Open the server configuration file /opt//TeamworkCloudSuite/configuration/application.conf and edit the hostname, seed node, and host address to use the node's own IP address (see the following example). 

    hostname = ""

    seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://twcloud@"]

    host = ""

    Also, update the following TWCloud configuration to allow access to the authentication server (protocol and ports are defaults).

    # Authentication Server address
    esi.auth {
    # Authentication Server protocol, IP address and port
    # InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress is used if server is left empty
    protocol = "https"
    server = ""
    port = "8555"

  4. Update theAuthServer configuration: <AuthServer install root>\config\ by specifying the IP address instead <serverIP>:<serverIP>
    authentication.redirect.uri.whitelist=https://<serverIP>:8111>/twcloud_admin/,https://md_redirect <serverIP>

  5. Generate default keypair and certificate by running the following command.
    $ cd /opt/TeamworkCloudSuite/scripts/linux
    $ ./genkey

There are a number of additional steps to run TWCloud as a service on Linux. Before proceeding, make sure the server's log configuration points to the file location that is writable. You can find the log config in the file TeamworkCloudSuite/configuration/logback.xml.

You need to check if the file location path is editable.

To run TWCloud as a service on Linux

  1. Choose or create a user dedicated to running the server, for example, twcloud.
  2. Create a file, /etc/twcloud/twcloud-env, and set the required environment variables as the following:
    • TWCLOUD_HOME: to point to the directory where TWCloud was installed.
    • TWCLOUD_OWNR: the user account under which TWCloud will run.
    • JAVA_HOME: a directory containing a Java JDK or JRE.

  3. Copy the service startup script into the init.d directory, for example:

    $ sudo cp /opt/TeamworkCloudSuite/scripts/linux/twcloud-svc /etc/init.d
  4. To make the service start/stop with system startup/shutdown, use chkconfig command:

    $ sudo chkconfig --add twcloud-svc

To uninstall TWCloud as a service

  1. Remove the service from chkconfig management:

       $ sudo chkconfig --del twcloud-svc


  2. Remove the service script from the init.d directory by typing the following: 
        $ sudo rm /etc/init.d/twcloud-svc 

Once you have installed TWCloud, use your administrator account to create user accounts through TWCloud Admin. See Creating user and group for the instructions to add user accounts.


Starting TWCloud and TWCloud Admin on Linux