To start the server for the first time, run the file teamwork_server.exe from the bin folder and browse the license key when prompted. Note that the key will only be required the first time the server is run. For more information about node locked license activation, see at Activating the Teamwork Server commercial license.

Starting the server using GUI

To start Teamwork Server

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Click the Start Server button.

Teamwork Server startup dialog

To change the server license key

  1. Run teamwork_server.exe in the server bin folder. The Teamwork Server startup dialog opens.
  2. Click the License Manager button. The Teamwork Server License Manager dialog opens.
  3. On the opened dialog, click the Select License Key Files button to browse for a file with the Teamwork Server license key.
  4. In a browser, open a new license key file.
  5. Click OK after you have changed the server license key.

Restart the server to apply changes. Make sure all users are logged out before restarting the server.

To change the server port for the current launch

  1. Run teamwork_server.exe in the server bin folder. The Teamwork Server startup dialog opens.
  2. Click the Change Server Port button and enter the new server port. This port is used when launching the server, or when adding the Windows service.

The Teamwork Server exports remote objects through one port: RMI registry port.

Starting the server without using GUI

To start Teamwork Server from the command line

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Type I agree and press Enter.
  3. Type the path to the license key file and the file name. For example, C:\key\MagicDraw_17_0_5_TeamworkServer_key.txt and press Enter.
  4. Press y and Enter, to apply the key.
  5. Type I agree and press Enter.
  6. Press Enter.
  7. Do one of the following:
  8. Do one of the following:

To add Teamwork Server to Windows services

  1. Run teamwork_server.exe in the server bin folder. The Teamwork Server startup dialog appears.
  2. Click the Add Windows Service button.
  3. After the service is added, select one of the following:

This feature is available only on Windows operating systems.

Windows 7 OS and Windows Vista OS Firewall do not allow remote connections. Hence after adding Teamwork Server to Windows 7 or Windows Vista services, you have to add the Teamwork Server port number 1100 in Windows Firewall Exceptions list. Only then all remote connections to Teamwork Server will be allowed.

To start Teamwork Server as a service on Red Hat Linux

  1. Create a new service script file named “teamwork”.
  2. Copy the following script code and paste it into the file.

    # chkconfig: - 91 60
    # description: MagicDraw TeamWork Server
    # Provides: teamwork
    # Required-Start: $local_fs $network $named $remote_fs $syslog
    # Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $named $remote_fs $syslog
    # Short-Description: MagicDraw TeamWork Server
    # Description: This script is used to start MagicDraw TeamWork Server
    RETVAL=0 TEAMWORK_HOME="/var/MagicDraw_Teamwork_Server/bin"
    desc="MagicDraw Teamwork Server"
    check() {
    if [ -f /var/lock/$prog ]; then
     if ps -p $(cat /var/lock/$prog 2>/dev/null) >/dev/null; then
             return 0
    return 3
    status() {
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
     echo $"${desc} is running..."
     return 0
    echo $"${desc} is stopped"
    return 3
    start() {
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
       echo $"${desc} is already started..."
       return 2
    echo -n $"Starting $desc ($prog): "
    $TEAMWORK_HOME/$prog $args &
    while [ "$COUNT" -le 15 ] && [ -z $JAVA_PID ]
      JAVA_PID=$(pgrep -P $SCRIPT_PID java)
      let COUNT=COUNT+1
      sleep 1
    [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && echo $JAVA_PID >/var/lock/$prog echo
    stop() {
    echo -n $"Shutting down $desc ($prog): "
    [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/$prog
    return $RETVAL
    case "$1" in
           status teamwork
           echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
           exit 3
    exit $RETVAL

    This script can also be used in non-RedHat based GNU/Linux distributions.

  3. Change the value of the TEAMWORK_HOME variable according to the path of the Teamwork Server installation bin folder.
  4. Save the file and move it into the system directory “/etc/init.d”. 5. In the command line, type the following commands:

    cd /etc/rc3.d
    ln -s ../init.d/teamwork S99teamwork

  5. You can also configure the service for runlevel using the following command: chkconfig --level 3 teamwork on
  6. In the command line, type the following command: 

    service teamwork start

To change the server license key from the command line

  1. Stop the Teamwork Server (see Stopping Teamwork Server).
  2. Start the Teamwork Server from the command line. Add the following argument: 
    "-changeKey -key:<path to the key file location>".

This is the sample for the Windows OS:

teamwork_server_nogui.exe -changeKey -key:C:\MagicDraw_16_0_TeamworkServer_key.xml

The path to the key file should be fully qualified and without spaces.