The default report data directories for operating systems are as follows:

  • For Windows:

  • For Linux:

    <user.home>/.<modeling tool name>/< modeling tool version number>

Report Wizard provides a configuration to add more report data directories by creating a file in the Report Wizard plugin directory, <MagicDraw>\plugins\com.nomagic.magicdraw.reportwizard.

You can declare the template_loc parameter in the file to specify another report data directory as follows:

template_loc=C:/Users/MD_user/AppData/Local/.magicdraw/new Location

You can also specify the template_loc parameter for multiple report data directories by using a semicolon (;) to separate each of the directories.

template_loc=//template_server/MagicReport/;C:/Users/MD_user/AppData/Local/.magicdraw/new Location

All of templates in the default report data directory and other locations specified in the file are available for generating in theĀ Report Wizard dialog and can be called through the -template parameter in command line report generation.

The template names defined in the template.xml file in each report data directory must be unique.

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