One option to customize the model merge procedure is turning off the order changes detection. This means you can skip the order changes of specified properties while merging.

  • Partial locking of a project occurs when merging changes of a project in the Teamwork Cloud server. Only changed/updated and merging elements are locked in the project, not the whole project. Thus, actions with other server project elements are not interrupted for other users by locking and merging activities.
  • While a user performs the merge process in a server project on the Teamwork Cloud server, committing of project changes to the server is unavailable for other users.

To turn off the order changes detection in specific properties

  1. From the Options menu, select Environment. The Environment Options dialog opens.
  2. Expand the General option group and select Merge and Compare.
  3. In the value cell of the Do Not Detect Order Changes for option, specify the names of the properties for which order changes should not be detected

Property names must be written in camel case, e.g., ownedAttribute, ownedElement, etc. For information about editing these sorts of option values, see Editing long textual values.

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