To deploy an authentication server
- In the command prompt dialog, verify "java –version" is the active Java version, which is Oracle JDK 1.8.0_192.
- Go to the directory where TWCloud is unzipped and select the AuthServer directory.
- Update the file <TWCloud directory>/AuthServer/config/ as follows:
- -
- - Enter the IP address of the server where TWCloud is installed in place of ${twc.server.ip}.
- twc.server.port - Specify the port of TWCloud Admin (the default is 8111).
- twc.server.protocol - Specify the protocol of TWCloud Admin (the default is https).
- Update the whitelist of redirect URI. Also, change the TWCloud swager's redirect URI (the initial is https://${twc.server.ip}:8111/) by setting the TWCloud IP address or FQDN instead of ${twc.server.ip}. Change the Web App Platform redirect URI (the initial is https://${webapp.server.ip}:8443/webapp/) by setting the Web App Platform IP address or FQDN (if you are accessing the server by FQDN) instead of ${} (and change the port/protocol if they were changed).
cassandra.contactPoints and cassandra.port - Update the Cassandra host(s) if the database is installed on different machine(s) and the Cassandra port if the custom port is configured in the database for CQL clients listening.
- Save the file.
- Make sure that the log configuration points to the file location that is writable. You can find the log config in the file /AuthServer/config/logback-spring.xml.
- Open the command prompt to <TWCloud directory>/AuthServer and run the file registerWindowsService.bat.
- Open the Windows Services panel or Task Manager's Services tab.
- Locate Authentication Server in the Windows Services panel (or AuthServer in Task Manager) and start it.
To deploy an authentication server using the installer
- Open the Windows Services panel or Task Manager's Services tab.
- Locate Authentication Server in the Windows Services panel (or AuthServer in Task Manager) and start it.
an authentication server
- Open the Windows Services panel or Task Manager's Services tab.
- Locate Authentication Server in the Windows Services panel (or AuthServer in Task Manager) service and stop it.
- Open the command prompt to /AuthServer and run the file unregisterWindowsService.bat.
To deploy an authentication server using the zip file
- Go to the directory, where TWCloud is unzipped and select the AuthServer directory.
- Update the file /AuthServer/config/ as follows.
- -
- - Enter the IP address of the server where TWCloud is installed in place of ${twc.server.ip}.
- twc.server.port - Specify the port of TWCloud Admin (the default is 8443).
- twc.server.protocol - Specify the protocol of TWCloud Admin (the default is https).
authentication.redirect.uri.whitelist - Update the whitelist of redirect URI. Also, change the TWCloud swager's redirect URI (the initial is https://${twc.server.ip}:8111/) by setting the TWCloud IP address or FQDN instead of ${twc.server.ip}. Change the Web App Platform redirect URI (the initial is https://${webapp.server.ip}:8443/webapp/) by setting the Web App Platform IP address or FQDN (if you are accessing the server by FQDN) instead of ${webapp.server.ip} (and change the port/protocol if they were changed).
cassandra.contactPoints and cassandra.port - Update the Cassandra host(s) if the database is installed on different machine(s) and the Cassandra port if the custom port is configured in the database for CQL clients listening.
- Copy the file <TWCloud directory>/AuthServer/script/authserver to the following directory /etc/ini.d: sudo cp /AuthServer/script/authserver .
- To make the service start/stop with system startup/shutdown, use the following command: sudo chkconfig --add authserver.
- Start the authentication server: sudo service authserver start.
To deploy an authentication server using the installer
- Start the authentication server: sudo service authserver start.
an authentication server
- service authserver stop to stop the authentication server.
- Remove the service from chkconfig management with this command: sudo chkconfig --del authserver.
- Remove the link by typing: sudo rm /etc/init.d/authserver.
- Remove the directory /AuthServer.