A Metric suite is a collection of parameters and metric definitions used to calculate metrics that evaluate specific aspects of your model. For your convenience, there are four predefined Metric Suites for MagicGrid that calculate Requirement coverage. The following figure shows these Metric Suites and their purposes.

You must create a MagicGrid project or use the MagicGrid Profile in your model in order to user predefined Metric Suites for MagicGrid.

Predefined Requirement coverage Metric Suites for MagicGrid.

Stakeholder Needs Refinement

This Metric Suite checks incoming Refine relationships and tracks whether or not stakeholder needs are refined. Only atomic Requirements (without sub-requirements) are tracked. Stakeholder needs can only be refined by one of the following elements:

System Requirements Derivation

This Metric Suite checks outgoing Derive relationships and tracks whether or not system Requirements are derived. Only atomic Requirements (without sub-requirements) are tracked. A Requirement is treated as derived when it or its grouping Requirement has an outgoing Derive relationship to the Requirement with no sub-requirements.

System Requirements Verification

This Metric Suite checks incoming Verify relationships and tracks whether or not system Requirements are verified by a Test Case element. Only atomic Requirements (without sub-requirements) are tracked. 

System Requirements Satisfaction

This Metric Suite checks incoming Satisfy relationships and tracks whether or not system Requirements are satisfied. Only atomic Requirements (without sub-requirements) are tracked. System Requirements can only be satisfied by one of the following elements:

This diagram illustrates which system Requirements are satisfied when using the System Requirements Satisfaction Metric Suite.