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Edit role details

When you view role details in the Role pane, you can edit the details of a custom role in the Role details card. This is accomplished by one of the following methods:

  • In the Role details card, click Edit to edit details.
  • Click  next to the role name and select to Edit role details

Add or remove permissions

You can add or remove permissions from a role you create (custom role) on the Role pane. A role needs to have at least one permission.

To add or remove permissions from a role

  1. On the Roles application do one of the following: 
    • Click the role to open the Role pane. In the Permissions card, click the Change button.
    • Click  and select to Change permissions.
  2. Select the checkbox of the permission you want to add, or clear it to remove the permission from the role. 
  3. Click the Save button to save the changes.  

Assign a role

You can assign a global or a custom role to a user/group, as well as create a new custom role and assign it simultaneously. You cannot assign resources to a user/group who does not have a role. 

You can use the Role Assignments section in either the Resource application or User application to assign a role to a user/group. Click here to learn more on how to assign a resource to a role.

To assign a role to a user/group 

  1. In the Roles application, click the role you want to assign. The Role pane opens.
  2. In the Role Assignments card, click the Change button.
  3. Select to Add user/group. In the Add users/groups search bar enter a name. From the list that opens, select a user/group.

  4. The selected user/group will be added to the Role assignments card. 

  5. Click the Save button to save the changes. 

Remove a user/group from a role

You can remove a user/group from a role in the Roles application. When you remove a user/group from a role, you take away the permissions associated with the role, which will cause any resources assigned to the role be removed as well. When you remove a user group from a role on the Users application, you cancel the role assigned to all users in the group.

To remove a user/group from a role

  1. On the Roles application, do one of the following: 
    • Click a role, the Role pane will open. In the Role assignments card click the Change button.
    • Click  and select to Change role assignments.
  2. The Change role assignments pane will open. Click the Remove button to remove the user/group from the role. The selected user will be removed from the list.
  3. Click the Save button to save the changes.

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