On this page

Here you can learn how to run Web Application Platform with its plugins by using the no-installer package.

To run the Web Application Platform with plugins:

  • You must have a working instance of Teamwork Cloud.
  • Make sure that the FlexNet license server is installed beforehand because Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud uses a floating license. You will need to specify license server details when installing Web Application Platform.
  • You have to download the Web_App_Platform_<version number>_noinstall.zip file.

To run Web Application Platform by using the no-install package

  1. Extract the Web_App_Platform_<version number>_noinstall.zip file
  2. Go to the <Web_App_Platform_no-installer_directory>/shared/conf directory.
  3. Open the webappplatform.properties file. The content of the file is shown below.

    # General properties
    # Web Application Platform properties
    # Specify a guest user name. You can create users using TWC Admin Console.
    # Specify the guest user password.
    # Authentication server properties
    # Specify the Authentication server location. Use http or https depending on the Authentication server setup.
    # Specify an optional redirect uri if the incoming request does not provide one.
    # By default redirect uri is the authentication server location. Remove # for the property to work.
    # Specify a unique platform ID.
    # Specify the authentication client password that platform will use to secure communication with the authentication server.
    # Set to true to ignore Authentication server certificate validation. Otherwise, set to false.
    # The value depends on the Authentication server setup.
    # Teamwork Cloud server properties
    # Specify the Teamwork Cloud administrator user name.
    # Specify the Teamwork Cloud administrator password.
    # Specify the Teamwork Cloud server address. Use http or https depending on the Teamwork Cloud server setup.
    # Specify the maximum total number of connections.
    # Specify the maximum number of connections for a route.
    # Specify how long (in milliseconds) to wait for establishing the connection with the remote server before a timeout exception occurs.
    # Specify how long (in milliseconds) to wait for the server to respond to various calls before a timeout exception occurs.
    # Specify how long (in milliseconds) to wait for checking out a connection from the connection pool before an exception occurs.
    # Set to true to ignore Teamwork Cloud certificate validation. Otherwise, set to false.
    # FlexNet server properties
    # Specify the FlexNet licence server IP address.
    # Specify the FlexNet license server port.
    # Platform mailing engine properties used to send notifications via e-mail
    # Specyfy the e-mail server host name.
    # Specify the e-mail server port.
    # Specify the sender's user name and password.
    # Specify the e-mail protocol and encoding.
    # Specify the sender's e-mail address.
  4. Read the comments with property descriptions inside the file and specify the following:

    • Web Application Platform properties
    • Teamwork Cloud server properties
    • Authentication server properties
    • FlexNet server properties
    • Make sure you replace the placeholders in the angle brackets (<>) with actual values (e.g., Teamwork Cloud and Authentication server addresses)
    • Some properties are specified for you. You can leave their values unchanged.
    • Platform mailing engine properties are optional. You can specify them later if needed.
  5. Go to the <Web App Platform no-install directory>/conf directory.
  6. Open the catalina.properties file and edit the following property value as shown below:

  7. In your computer settings, specify the JRE_HOME and CATALINA_HOME_WEBAPP variables as shown below:

  8. Generate the SSL certificate file.
  9. Go to the <Web_App_Platform_no-installer_directory>\conf directory and open to edit the server.xml file.
  10. In the server.xml file, change the default values of the following properties to the actual path to certificate file and password:
    • certificateKeystoreFile="<path_to_certificate_file>"
    • certificateKeystorePassword="<password>"

    The certificateKeystorePassword property value must be the same as the -storepass and -keypass property values that you specified when creating the SSL certificate.
  11. Go to the <Web App Platform no-install directory>/bin directory.
  12. Run the startup.bat file as administrator to start Web Application platform.
  13. Apply the Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud license.

Now you can access Web Application Platform by opening a web browser and going to http(s)://<domain_name>:<port>/webapp/resources. By default, Web Application Platform uses the port 8443. Click here, to learn how to start and stop Web Application Platform.

Specifying JRE_HOME and CATALINA_HOME_WEBAPP variables

In this section, you can learn how to specify the JRE_HOME and CATALINA_HOME_WEBAPP variables in different operating systems.

To specify variables on Windows

  1. Open Control Panel and go to System and Security > System.
  2. Select the Advanced system settings option on the left side of the System dialog.
  3. In the System Properties dialog, click the Environment Variables button.
  4. In the System variables area of the Environment Variables dialog, specify the values for the JRE_HOME and CATALINA_HOME_WEBAPP variables as shown below:

  5. Click OK.

System variables in the Environment Variables dialog on Windows

To specify variables on Linux

  1. Go to the /etc directory and open the profile file.
  2. Copy the following lines to the profile file and replace the placeholders between angle brackets (<>) with actual paths:

    export CATALINA_HOME_WEBAPP=/<path_to_Web_App_Platfrom_extratcted_no-installer_directory>
    export JRE_HOME=/<path_to_Java_install_directory>
    export CATALINA_HOME_WEBAPP=/Users/admin/Desktop/Web_App_Platform_190_noinstall
    export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_172-amd64/
  3. Open the Terminal application and execute the following command:

    "source /etc/profile