URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier. A URI can provide identification about a location to a resource (e.g., a document, a person, an abstract thing) and a name, or both depending on the context. The URI is used as a single global identification system in the Web. On the semantic Web, not only can you use URIs to link to Web documents and access them in a Web browser, but also for real-world objects (e.g., people, cars, and even abstract ideas).

A concept model must have a valid URI before it can be exported to an OWL ontology. If you forget to change the default URI, the notification window will open to remind you to change it when you export the concept model to an OWL ontology. If you are unsure of the URI's format, please refer to the following link that describes the IETF URI specification, RFC 2396: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt.

The last part of the URI is used as the filename, and the extension for this file will be derived from the export format specified in the project options. (See Setting the concept model export URI style for export format options.)

To set the concept model URI

  1. Right-click an ontology package in the Containment tree. Select Specification.

  2. Scroll down to URI, or type “URI” in the search field at the bottom of page.

    A default URI will be set for new concept modeling projects and newly created concept models. Updating the URI to match your ontology is recommended. For situations in which a URI has not been set, or the default has not been changed, a warning message will appear in the notification window on OWL export.

  3. Click the field next to URI.

    A URI is the universally unique identification of the package following the IETF URI specification, RFC 2396 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt and it must comply with those syntax rules.

  4. Update the URI and click OK.

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