In the Concept Modeling interpretation of UML, a property that has the {sufficient} constraint applied to it indicates that, when an instance satisfies the multiplicity and type constraints for the property’s values, not only is a necessary condition to be an instance of the class met, but a sufficient condition is also met (see section Necessary and Sufficient Condition).

To create a sufficient condition

  1. Right-click on the association end of the property to which the {sufficient} constraint will be applied (unnamed from “Dog Owner”). Remember that the property is owned by the class at the opposite end of the association.
  2. Select Concept Modeling > Make property sufficient to classify an instance in the shortcut menu.


Selecting the Make property sufficient to classify an instance shortcut menu.

The {sufficient} constraint is toggled on for the property.


The sufficient condition is created.

To remove a sufficient condition on a property

  1. Right-click on the association end of the property of which the {sufficient} constraint will be removed (unnamed from “Dog Owner”).
  2. Select Concept Modeling > Make property insufficient to classify an instance. 

Selecting the Make property insufficient to classify an instance shortcut menu.

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