A UML Package URI is a Package property value which is visible in the MagicDraw specification window.

The «Resource» IRI is a Package Tags value which is visible in the MagicDraw specification window's Tags section.

Both values have the same meaning, but their values could be different. To avoid confusion, the modeling tool synchronizes both values.

There are several cases to consider:

When changing an element's name in synchronization with its IRI, you can derive that IRI from the element's name.

Consider the following scenario:

  1. You have a class named IRI Name 1.
  2. Check the tags and see that the IRI tagged value is IRI-Name1.
  3. Change the class name to IRI Name 2.
  4. The message appears.
  5. Click one of the following:
    1. Update IRI. You will keep the new class name, but change the IRI tagged value to match the new class.
    2. Rename Only. You will keep the new name, but now a label will be added that is the same IRI tagged value as the old name.
    3. Cancel. Nothing will change. The IRI stays the same and the class name does not change.