This section will demonstrate the different menu options that appear in the cases of relationships between Superclass Intersections and other class elements.

The following cases are based on a selected Class.

The following diagram prefaces all the cases described below.

The diagram prefacing the cases discussed below

Case 1: Selected class has no stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations have no stereotypes.

Case 2: Selected class has no stereotype, and some outgoing generalizations have stereotypes

Case 3: Selected class has no stereotype, all outgoing generalizations have stereotypes, but some do not. (This case cannot happen!!!)

Case 4: Selected class has no stereotype, all outgoing generalizations have stereotypes.

Case 5: Selected class has a stereotype, but the generalizations do not.

Case 6: Selected class has a stereotype and some outgoing generalizations also have a stereotype. 

The following cases are based on a selected Generalization of specific class.

Case 1: Specific class of selected generalization has no stereotype, selected generalization has no stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype. 

Case 2: Specific class of selected generalization has no stereotype, selected generalization has no stereotype, but some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype.

Case 3: Specific class of selected generalization has no stereotype, selected generalization has no stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype, but some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype. (This case cannot happen!!!)

Case 4: Specific class of selected generalization has no stereotype, selected generalization has no stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype, but some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype.

Case 5: Specific class of selected generalization has no stereotype, selected generalization has stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype, but some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype.

Case 6: Specific class of selected generalization has no stereotype, selected generalization has stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype, but some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype.

Case 7: Specific class of selected generalization has no stereotype, selected generalization has stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype, but some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype. (This case cannot happen!!!

Case 8: Specific class of selected generalization has no stereotype, selected generalization has stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype, but some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype.

Case 9: Specific class of selected generalization has stereotype, selected generalization has no stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype, and some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype.

Case 10: Specific class of selected generalization has stereotype, selected generalization has no stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype, and some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype.

Case 11: Specific class of selected generalization has stereotype, selected generalization has no stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype, and some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype. (This case cannot happen!!!

Case 12: Specific class of selected generalization has stereotype, selected generalization has no stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype, and some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype.

Case 13: Specific class of selected generalization has stereotype, selected generalization has stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype, and some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype.

Case 14: Specific class of selected generalization has stereotype, selected generalization has stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype, and some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype.

Case 15: Specific class of selected generalization has stereotype, selected generalization has stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have no stereotype, and some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype.(This case cannot happen!!!

Case 16: Specific class of selected generalization has stereotype, selected generalization has stereotype, and all outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype, and some other outgoing generalizations of specific class have stereotype.