There are two types of OSLC queries you can construct to query the DOORS® Next Generation artifacts repository - simple or basic query and advanced query based on SQL or SPARQL. You can find the details of OSLC queries and more examples of queries and their syntax on the OSLC Specification website.

To create and run a simple or basic OSLC query

  1. Do one of the following

The OSLC Query Editor dialog opens.

OSLC Query editor window

2. Fill out the information that you want to create the query to search for.

3. Click . The results of the query, if any, appears below the Type text to search box.

  • You can filter the search results of the query by using the Type text to search box.
  • You can click to save the results in Alias Manager.

To create and run an advanced query

  1. Do one of the following

The OSLC Query Editor dialog opens.

The OSLC advanced Query Editor tab

2. Click the  tab. In the Query String box, type your query using the simple or basic query language, e.g., or using the SPARQL query language, e.g., https://host:port/bugs?,dcterms:creator{foaf:familyName}&oslc.where=cm:severity="high".

3. Click . The results of the query, if any, appears below the Type text to search box.

  • You can filter the search results of the query by using the Type text to search box.
  • You can click to save the results in Alias Manager.