Maps to a UML Attribute with the stereotype XSDfractionDigits. The name and type of such an attribute do not make sense.

	fixed = boolean : false
	id = ID
	value = nonNegativeInteger
	{any attributes with non-schema namespace…}>
	Content: (annotation?)

The following is the definition of a user-derived datatype which could be used to represent the magnitude of a person's body 
temperature on the Celsius scale. This definition would appear in a schema authored by an end-user and shows how to define
a datatype by specifying facet values which constrain the range of the base type.

<simpleType name='celsiusBodyTemp'>
	<restriction base='decimal'>
		<totalDigits value='4'/>
		<fractionDigits value='1'/>
		<minInclusive value='36.4'/>
		<maxInclusive value='40.5'/>