Maps to a UML Attribute with the stereotype XSDenumeration.

id = ID
	value = anySimpleType
	{any attributes with non-schema namespace…}>
	Content: (annotation?)

The following example is a datatype definition for a user-derived datatype which limits the values of dates to the three US holidays 
enumerated. This datatype definition would appear in a schema authored by an 'end-user' and shows how to define a datatype by
enumerating the values in its value space. The enumerated values must be type-valid literals for the base type.
<simpleType name='holidays'>
		<documentation>some US holidays</documentation>
	<restriction base='gMonthDay'>
		<enumeration value='--01-01'>
				<documentation>New Year's day</documentation>
		<enumeration value='--07-04'>
				<documentation>4th of July</documentation>
<enumeration value='--12-25'>