Cameo Collaborator supports the ability to generate email notifications about comments and send them to a remote email system, that is, an SMTP server, Gmail, Yahoo, or Zimbra. For this, you must configure the global properties of Alfresco Community.

In addition, be sure the users to whom these email notifications should be sent, have email addresses defined in their User Profile Pages.


To configure Cameo Collaborator for sending email notifications to a remote SMTP server

  1. Stop Cameo Collaborator.

  2. Open for edit the file stored in <Alfresco Community installation directory>/tomcat/shared/classes.
  3. Add the following lines to the file:<the name of your SMTP host>
    mail.port=<the port that your SMTP service runs on (the default value is 25)>
    mail.username=<the username of the email account you want notifications to be sent from>
    mail.password=<the password of the email account you want notifications to be sent from>
    mail.protocol=<smtp or smtps>
    mail.smtp(s).auth=<true, if authentication is required; false otherwise>
    mail.from.default=<email address in the 'From' field of an email notification; use an existing email address>
    collaborator.notifications.from=<email address in the 'From' field of an email notification; use an existing email address>
  4. Replace the placeholders for the values of the added properties (between angle brackets (<>) with actual values. Make sure you pay attention to the instructions inside the placeholders.
  5. Start Cameo Collaborator.


For more information about configuring an SMTP server or custom configurations, see Outbound E-mail Configuration in Alfresco Community wiki.

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